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Albin Larsson edited this page Aug 27, 2017 · 57 revisions

Welcome to the biocaching-api-doc wiki!

REST-API for Biocaching

This page documents the Biocaching REST-based APIs. To access Biocaching through the API you also need a username and a password. If you have that, you can invoke the API with curl on the command line:

curl  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' \
-X POST "" \
-d '{"user" : { "email" : "[email protected]", "password" : "<PASSWORD>"}}' \

If successful, the command will return something like this:

{"id":1,"email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2016-02-16T12:36:44.000Z",

The token can then be used to invoke further services, for example get a taxon:

curl  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Accept: application/json' \
-H 'X-User-Email: [email protected]' -H 'X-User-Token: zCC868dPzS2Gp1y-UE1M' \
-X GET "" 

Also see the example programs provided. All requests must use Content-Type application/json and must accept a response in the same content type.

User sign up and sign in

User sign in

POST /users/sign_in


Parameter Description
user[email] The user's email address
user[password] The user's password

User sign up (Should not use this one yet)

POST /users


Parameter Description
user[email] The user's email address
user[password] The user's password
user[password_confirmation] The user's password repeated


Retrieve a subset of taxa

The Taxa services give access to the species database.

GET /taxa

Retrieves taxa in json format.

Called with no extra parameters, this service returns the taxa with rank "kingdom".

Optional parameters

Parameter Description
from Return a subset of the taxa, start at 'from', default = 0
size Return 'size' number of taxa, default = 10
parent_id Return taxa that are immediate children of another taxa. If omitted, return taxa on the highest level (the kingdoms: animalia, plantae and fungi)
fields If omitted, only a subsets of the available fields are included in the response. Pass value "all" to have all available fields returned
region Only return taxa that are found in a specific region. E.g. region=nor


Get taxa without parents (the kingdoms):

GET /taxa

Get all 35 taxa in the animal kingdom:

GET /taxa?parent_id=1&size=40

Get all taxa in the chordata phylum:

GET /taxa?parent_id=11&size=40

Retrieve a single taxon

GET /taxa/<taxa_id>

Retrieves one specific taxa as JSON on this format:

  "total": 1,
  "max_score": 1.0,
  "number_of_hits": 1,
  "hits": [
      "_index": "taxa",
      "_type": "taxon",
      "_id": "2248",
      "_score": 1.0,
      "_source": {
        "observations_count": 5,
        "hidden": false,
        "other_pictures": [
            "urls": {
              "original": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/754/original/Mustela_erminea.jpg?1464254878",
              "thumb": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/754/thumb/Mustela_erminea.jpg?1464254878",
              "medium": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/754/medium/Mustela_erminea.jpg?1464254878"
            "credits": [
                "full_name": "Steve Hillebrand, USFWS",
                "role": "photographer",
                "homepage": ""
                "full_name": "Wikimedia Commons",
                "role": "provider",
                "homepage": ""
            "picture_id": 754,
            "rights_holder": null,
            "title": "File:Mustela erminea.jpg",
            "source_url": "",
            "license_url": "",
            "primary": false
            "urls": {
              "original": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/755/original/4894.jpeg?1464254882",
              "thumb": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/755/thumb/4894.jpeg?1464254882",
              "medium": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/755/medium/4894.jpeg?1464254882"
            "credits": [
                "full_name": "Gerald and Buff Corsi",
                "role": "photographer",
                "homepage": ""
                "full_name": "CalPhotos",
                "role": "provider",
                "homepage": ""
            "picture_id": 755,
            "rights_holder": "2007 California Academy of Sciences",
            "title": null,
            "source_url": "",
            "license_url": "",
            "primary": false
        "taxonomy_ranks": {
          "phylum": "chordata",
          "genus": "mustela",
          "species": "erminea",
          "family": "mustelidae",
          "kingdom": "animalia",
          "class": "mammalia",
          "order": "carnivora"
        "scientific_name": "mustela erminea",
        "source": {
          "source_database": {
            "name": "ITIS Global: The Integrated Taxonomic Information System",
            "authors_and_editors": "Orrell T. (custodian)",
            "id": 2,
            "uri": ";\n (Canada)",
            "uri_scheme": "http"
          "taxonomy": "Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2013 Annual Checklist"
        "taxonomy_credit": "Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2013 Annual Checklist",
        "eol_page_link": "",
        "names": {
          "nob": [
          "fra": [
          "nno": [
          "eng": [
        "parent_id": 2238,
        "in_regions": [
        "primary_picture": {
          "urls": {
            "original": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/753/original/0047.jpeg?1464254876",
            "thumb": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/753/thumb/0047.jpeg?1464254876",
            "medium": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/753/medium/0047.jpeg?1464254876"
          "credits": [
              "full_name": "Gerald and Buff Corsi",
              "role": "photographer",
              "homepage": ""
              "full_name": "CalPhotos",
              "role": "provider",
              "homepage": ""
          "picture_id": 753,
          "rights_holder": "2008 California Academy of Sciences",
          "title": null,
          "source_url": "",
          "license_url": "",
          "primary": true
        "col_taxon_id": 21936091,
        "rank": "species",
        "id": 2248,
        "languages_iso": [
        "slug": "animalia-chordata-mammalia-carnivora-mustelidae-mustela-erminea"

Optional parameters

Parameter Description
fields If omitted, only a subsets of the available fields are included in the response. Pass value "all" to have all available fields returned

Search for taxa

Search for taxa

GET /taxa/search?term=<search_term>

Search, by name, for taxa in a specific taxonomy. Taxa is returned in JSON in this format (only one hit in this example):

  "total": 1,
  "max_score": 0.8272788,
  "number_of_hits": 1,
  "hits": [
      "_index": "taxa",
      "_type": "taxon",
      "_id": "2248",
      "_score": 0.8272788,
      "_source": {
        "names": {
          "nob": [
        "parent_id": 2238,
        "primary_picture": {
          "urls": {
            "original": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/753/original/0047.jpeg?1464254876",
            "thumb": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/753/thumb/0047.jpeg?1464254876",
            "medium": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/753/medium/0047.jpeg?1464254876"
          "credits": [
              "full_name": "Gerald and Buff Corsi",
              "role": "photographer",
              "homepage": ""
              "full_name": "CalPhotos",
              "role": "provider",
              "homepage": ""
          "picture_id": 753,
          "rights_holder": "2008 California Academy of Sciences",
          "title": null,
          "source_url": "",
          "license_url": "",
          "primary": true
        "other_pictures": [
            "urls": {
              "original": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/754/original/Mustela_erminea.jpg?1464254878",
              "thumb": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/754/thumb/Mustela_erminea.jpg?1464254878",
              "medium": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/754/medium/Mustela_erminea.jpg?1464254878"
            "credits": [
                "full_name": "Steve Hillebrand, USFWS",
                "role": "photographer",
                "homepage": ""
                "full_name": "Wikimedia Commons",
                "role": "provider",
                "homepage": ""
            "picture_id": 754,
            "rights_holder": null,
            "title": "File:Mustela erminea.jpg",
            "source_url": "",
            "license_url": "",
            "primary": false
            "urls": {
              "original": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/755/original/4894.jpeg?1464254882",
              "thumb": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/755/thumb/4894.jpeg?1464254882",
              "medium": "/system/taxon_pictures/pictures/000/000/755/medium/4894.jpeg?1464254882"
            "credits": [
                "full_name": "Gerald and Buff Corsi",
                "role": "photographer",
                "homepage": ""
                "full_name": "CalPhotos",
                "role": "provider",
                "homepage": ""
            "picture_id": 755,
            "rights_holder": "2007 California Academy of Sciences",
            "title": null,
            "source_url": "",
            "license_url": "",
            "primary": false
        "rank": "species",
        "scientific_name": "mustela erminea",
        "source": {
          "source_database": {
            "name": "ITIS Global: The Integrated Taxonomic Information System",
            "authors_and_editors": "Orrell T. (custodian)",
            "id": 2,
            "uri": ";\n (Canada)",
            "uri_scheme": "http"
          "taxonomy": "Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2013 Annual Checklist"
        "id": 2248
      "highlight": {
        "scientific_name": [
          "mustela <span class=\"highlight\">ermine</span>a"
  "aggregations": {
    "24": {
      "doc_count": 1
    "25": {
      "doc_count": 0
    "26": {
      "doc_count": 0
  "collection": {
    "parent_id": null,
    "id": 27,
    "names": [
        "name": "Alle arter",
        "language_iso": "nob"
    "children": [
        "id": 24,
        "names": [
            "name": "Dyr",
            "language_iso": "nob"
        "id": 25,
        "names": [
            "name": "Planter",
            "language_iso": "nob"
        "id": 26,
        "names": [
            "name": "Sopp",
            "language_iso": "nob"


Parameter Description
term Search for search_term in scientific and common names of taxa with rank genus, species and infraspecific.

Optional parameters

Parameter Description
from Return a subset of the taxa, start at 'from', default = 0
size Return 'size' number of taxa, default = 10
below_rank, below_rank_value return only taxa below a certain rank in the taxonomy.
fields If omitted, only a subsets of the available fields are included in the response. Pass value "all" to have all available fields returned, pass value "autocomplete" to return values on this form (with search term "iland"):
region Only return taxa that are found in a specific region. For now, only region "nor" is available
languages Only return taxa that have common names in one of the specified languages (ISO 639-2), default is "eng"
collection_id only return taxa within a collection
include_empty_collections include child-collections in the aggregations even if they have no species

When passing value "autocomplete" for the 'fields' parameter, the service will return json formatted like this (the values are: common name, common name with search term highlighted, scientific name with search term highlighted, COL taxon id, URL of the taxon thumbnail):

        "n<span class=\"highlight\">iland</span>",
        "alopochen aegyptiaca",
        "s<span class=\"highlight\">iland</span>",
        "mergus serrator",


Get the 5 first species in the mammalia class (mammals):

GET /taxa/search?below_rank=class&below_rank_value=mammalia&size=5

Get the 5 next species in the mammalia class (mammals):

GET /taxa/search?below_rank=class&below_rank_value=mammalia&size=5&from=5

Search for birds named something with "meis" in Norwegian bokmål or nynorsk, return at most 10 results:

GET /taxa/search?below_rank=class&below_rank_value=aves&size=10&term=meis&languages=nob,nno

Collection-information in search results

When fields is not "autocomplete" the taxa search service returns json on this format (size-parameter is set to 0 in the example):

  "total": 7,
  "max_score": 0.0,
  "number_of_hits": 0,
  "hits": [

  "aggregations": {
    "22": {
      "doc_count": 1
    "23": {
      "doc_count": 5
    "6": {
      "doc_count": 1
  "collection": {
    "parent_id": 27,
    "id": 24,
    "names": [
        "name": "Dyr",
        "language_iso": "nob"
    "children": [
        "id": 6,
        "names": [
            "name": "Pattedyr",
            "language_iso": "nob"
        "id": 22,
        "names": [
            "name": "Fugler",
            "language_iso": "nob"
        "id": 23,
        "names": [
            "name": "Fisk",
            "language_iso": "nob"
    "parents": [
        "id": 27,
        "names": [
            "name": "Alle arter",
            "language_iso": "nob"

In the aggregation object, the ids refers to the ids of the children of the current collection. This can then be used to present after searching: Pattedyr (1) Fugler (1) Fisk (5)

(indicates number of hits in each child-collection).


Get an observation

Get one observation:

GET /observations/<id>

Observations are returned in JSON in this format:

  "observation": {
    "id": 154,
    "observed_at": "2016-08-04T21:49:00.000+02:00",
    "user_id": 1,
    "comment": "",
    "created_at": "2016-08-04T21:49:57.000+02:00",
    "updated_at": "2016-08-04T21:49:57.000+02:00",
    "what3words": "redefined.assets.warm",
    "individual_count": null,
    "sex": "",
    "life_stage": "",
    "country": "United Kingdom",
    "county": "Highland",
    "municipality": "Perth and Kinross",
    "locality": "Alvie",
    "geonames_id": "2657386",
    "coordinate_uncertainty_in_meters": null,
    "is_public": true,
    "location_id": "",
    "location": {
      "lat": "57.148955",
      "lon": "-3.912597"
    "tags": [
    "tags_suggest": {
      "input": [
    "verified_by": null,
    "points": 1,
    "comments_count": 3,
    "taxon": {
      "id": 699,
      "scientific_name": "cervidae",
      "all_common_names": {
        "nob": [
        "nno": [
    "likes": [
    "other_pictures": [
  "users": {
    "1": {
      "id": "1",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "firstname": "Bjørn",
      "lastname": "Hjelle",
      "displayname": "Bjørn",
      "name": "Bjørn",
      "picture": {
        "thumb": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/143/thumb/greylag_3.JPG?1467291918",
        "medium": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/143/medium/greylag_3.JPG?1467291918",
        "original": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/143/original/greylag_3.JPG?1467291918"

List observations

Retrieve observations

GET /observations

Get a listing of observations

Optional parameters

Parameter Description
user_id Get observations that has been reported by a user. Without this, all observations are returned.
from Return a subset of the observations, start at 'from', default = 0
size Return 'size' number of observations, default = 10
sort_field Set sort field, default is "created_at". If sort_field is "distance" it is not actually sorted by distance. In stead an Elasticsearch sort function us used to influence the relevancy score of the search results.
sort_order Set sort order to "asc" or "desc", default is "desc". Is not used if sort_field is "distance".
taxon_id Only return observations of a specific taxa
latitude Latitude
longitude Longitude
distance Get observations from within distance from the location given by the latitude and longitude coordinates. See this for allowed formats:
top_left Top left corner of a bounding_box, specified as lon,lat (as in GeoJSON), e g: 14.34,65.3
bottom_right Bottom right corner of a bounding_box, specified as lon,lat (as in GeoJSON), e g: 16.34,62.3
tag_list A space separated list of tags. Only return observations with these tags
draft_only Only return observations that have status 'draft'
public_only Only return observations that have status 'public'
verified_only Only return observations that have been verified
following_only Only return observations created by users the logged in user follows (and his own)
from_time Only return observations with observed_at after this time. Format is ISO8601, e g "2014-07-22T23:49:40.000Z". If the parameter is not properly formatted, the parameter will be ignored
to_time Only return observations with observed_at before this time. Format is ISO8601, e g "2014-07-22T23:49:40.000Z". If the parameter is not properly formatted, the parameter will be ignored

Note: top_left and bottom_right will not be used if latitude, longitude and distance are specified.


Get all observations with 20km from a location:

GET /observations?latitude=61&longitude=12.4&distance=20km

Observations are returned in JSON in the format (only one observation returned in this example). Note the last item, "users", which can be used to look up information about the users mentioned by user_id in the observations returned.

  "total": 1,
  "max_score": null,
  "number_of_hits": 1,
  "hits": [
      "_index": "observations",
      "_type": "observation",
      "_id": "32",
      "_score": null,
      "_source": {
        "id": 32,
        "observed_at": "2016-05-11T10:43:21.000Z",
        "user_id": 1,
        "comments": [

        "created_at": "2016-05-11T10:43:27.000Z",
        "updated_at": "2016-05-11T10:43:27.000Z",
        "what3words": "slyly.creatures.strumming",
        "individual_count": 5,
        "sex": "3 males, 2 females",
        "life_stage": "4 adults, 1 juvenile",
        "country": "Sweden",
        "county": "Västerbotten",
        "municipality": "Hattfjelldal",
        "locality": "Stikkenjokk",
        "geonames_id": "2674321",
        "coordinate_uncertainty_in_meters": 30,
        "location_id": "",
        "location": {
          "lat": "65.123",
          "lon": "14.234"
        "comments_count": 3,
        "taxon": {
          "id": 61057,
          "scientific_name": "anser anser",
          "all_common_names": {
            "eng": [
              "Greylag Goose"
            "nob": [
            "nno": [
        "likes": [
            "id": 26,
            "user_id": 1,
            "user": {
              "email": "[email protected]"
        "primary_picture": {
          "id": 12,
          "primary": true,
          "urls": {
            "medium": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/012/medium/greylag_2.jpg?1462964727",
            "thumb": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/012/medium/greylag_2.jpg?1462964727",
            "original": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/012/original/greylag_2.jpg?1462964727"
          "likes": [
              "id": 27,
              "user_id": 1,
              "user": {
                "email": "[email protected]"
        "other_pictures": [
            "id": 11,
            "primary": false,
            "urls": {
              "medium": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/011/medium/greylag_goose.jpg?1462963403",
              "thumb": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/011/medium/greylag_goose.jpg?1462963403",
              "original": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/011/original/greylag_goose.jpg?1462963403"
            "likes": [

      "sort": [
   {"id": "1", "email": "[email protected]", "firstname": "Bjørn", "lastname": "Hjelle", "displayname": "Bjørn"}

Create an observation

POST /observations

Creates an observation with date/time, location, a taxon and a picture.


Parameter Description
taxon_id The id of the taxon observed, as returned by the taxa-servies
observed_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format, e g "2016-02-19 13:50:58 +0100"
latitude The latitude of the location
longitude The longitude of the location
coordinate_uncertainty_in_meters Coordinate uncertainty in meters
comment A free text comment
picture_attributes[picture[content_type]] Content type of the picture, e g "image/jpg"
picture_attributes[primary] Set to "true" if this will be the observations 'primary' picture. Default is false.
individual_count the number of individuals observed
sex sex of the observed indoviduals. Can be specified like: "2 females, 3 males", or just "females" if all are females
life_stage life stage of the individuals. E g: "eggs", "juveniles", "2 adults, 1 juvenile"
tag_list A space separated list of tags that will be added to the observation
add_tags_from_setting Set to "false" if you do not want the tags from the user's settings added automatically
is_public set if the observation should be visible to other users, default is true

The parameters must be supplied as the content of the HTTP POST in a JSON hash with key "observation". See example programs for details (create_observation.rb)

Update an observation

PUT /observations/<observation_id>

Updates an observation. The parameters are the same as the create service.


Parameter Description
taxon_id The id of the taxon observed, as returned by the taxa-servies
observed_at Date and time in ISO 8601 format, e g "2016-02-19 13:50:58 +0100"
latitude The latitude of the location
longitude The longitude of the location
coordinate_uncertainty_in_meters Coordinate uncertainty in meters
comments A free text comment
picture_attributes[picture[content_type]] Content type of the picture, e g "image/jpg"
picture_attributes[primary] Set to "true" if this will be the observations 'primary' picture. Default is false.
individual_count the number of individuals observed
sex sex of the observed indoviduals. Can be specified like: "2 females, 3 males", or just "females" if all are females
life_stage life stage of the individuals. E g: "eggs", "juveniles", "2 adults, 1 juvenile"
tag_list A space separated list of tags that will be added to the observation
is_public set if the observation should be visible to other users, default is true

Delete an observation

DELETE /observations/<observation_id>

Set an observation's status to draft

The user must own the observation to do this. Observations with status draft are only available to the user herself.

POST /observations/<observation_id>/draft

Set an observation's status to public

The user must own the observation to do this. Observations with status public are visible to all users.

POST /observations/<observation_id>/public

Verify an observation

Verify that an observation specifies the correct species. For now only admin users can verify observations. This will add an element, "verified_by" to the observation that includes the user_id of the user who verified, and the exact time when it was done.

POST /observations/<observation_id>/verify

Like an observation

To add a like for the logged on user to an observation:

POST /observations/<observation_id>/like

Adds a like for the logged on user to the observation.

Unlike an observation

POST /observations/<observation_id>/unlike

Removes a like for the logged on user from the observation.

Get an observation's likes

GET /observations/<observation_id>/likes

Returns all the likes for an observation as JSON with a two-dimensional array. For each like, the user's id and name is included. If a user has a display name, it is used, otherwise the user's email is included instead:

      "likes": [
          "created_at": "2016-05-02T06:19:29.000Z",
          "user": {
            "id": 1,
            "name": "Bjørn"
          "created_at": "2016-05-02T06:36:56.000Z",
          "user": {
            "id": 6,
            "name": "[email protected]"

Comment on an observation

Observations can be commented:

POST /observations/<observation_id>/comments


Parameter Description
text The comment text

Update a comment

Observations can be updated by the user who created the comment, or by a user that has been granted the admin role:

PUT /observations/<observation_id>/comments/<comments_id>


Parameter Description
text The comment text

Remove a comment from an observation

DELETE /observations/<observation_id>/comments/<comment_id>

Removes a comment from the observation.

Get an observation's comments

GET /observations/<observation_id>/comments

Returns all the comments for an observation as JSON:

  "comments": [
     "id": 6,
     "text": "dette er en kommentar",
     "created_at": "2016-05-02T09:28:07.000Z",
     "updated_at": "2016-05-02T09:28:07.000Z",  
     "user": {
       "id": 1,
       "name": "Bjørn"
        "id": 9,
        "text": "denne kommentaren er oppdatert",
        "created_at": "2016-05-02T09:30:42.000Z",
        "updated_at": "2016-05-03T07:26:20.000Z",
        "user": {
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Bjørn"
        "updated_by": {
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Bjørn"
  "users": {
    "1": {
      "id": "1",
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "firstname": "Bjørn",
      "lastname": "Hjelle",
      "displayname": "Bjørn",
      "name": "Bjørn",
      "picture": {
        "thumb": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/143/thumb/greylag_3.JPG?1467291918",
        "medium": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/143/medium/greylag_3.JPG?1467291918",
        "original": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/143/original/greylag_3.JPG?1467291918"

Observation pictures

An observation can have one primary picture and several other pictures. When an observation is created with a picture, the picture is set to be the observations primary picture. When pictures are subsequently added, they are set to be not primary. A service (described below) is available to promote a picture to become the observation's primary picture.

Add a picture to an observation

POST /observations/<observation_id>/pictures


Parameter Description
picture[content_type] Content type of the picture, e g "image/jpg"
primary Set to "true" if this should be the observations 'primary' picture. Default is false.

Delete a picture from an observation

DELETE /observations/<observation_id>/pictures/<picture_id>


No parameters.

Promote a picture to be the observation's primary picture

PATCH /observations/<observation_id>/pictures/<picture_id>/primary

If the observation already has a primary picture, that picture will be set to not-primary.


No parameters.

Like an observation's picture

POST /observations/<observation_id>/pictures/<picture_id>/like


No parameters.

Unlike an observation's picture

POST /observations/<observation_id>/pictures/<picture_id>/unlike


No parameters.

Calculate the total points for a user

This service calculates the total points for the logged in user, or for another user if user_id is passed as a parameter. Note that also the Show user-service returns a user's points. Only public observations are awarded with points, and characteristics like having identified the species, having added a picture, likes, etc. count in the calculation of points.

GET /observations/points

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
user_id The id of the user to calculate points for

Calculate a scoreboard

This service calculates the total points for a number of users and returns a list ordered by the score.

GET /observations/scoreboard

Optional Parameters

Parameter Description
count The number of users to produce a scoreboard for. Default is 10

Returns JSON on this format (with count = 3):

      [{"key"=>"798962258", "doc_count"=>2, "sum_points"=>{"value"=>8.0}},
       {"key"=>"293267324", "doc_count"=>4, "sum_points"=>{"value"=>6.0}},
       {"key"=>"987556848", "doc_count"=>5, "sum_points"=>{"value"=>5.0}}]}},
     "email"=>"[email protected]",
     "email"=>"[email protected]",
     "email"=>"[email protected]",


Show a user

Show information for a user.

GET /users/<id>

Returns JSON on this format:

  "user": {
    "id": 1,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstname": "Bjørn",
    "lastname": "Hjelle",
    "displayname": "Bjørn"
  "points": 5.0,
  "followers": 0,
  "following": 0,
  "pictures": {
    "thumb": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/095/thumb/greylag_goose.jpg?1464088410",
    "medium": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/095/medium/greylag_goose.jpg?1464088410",
    "original": "/system/pictures/pictures/000/000/095/original/greylag_goose.jpg?1464088410"

Users suggest

The Users suggest service supports efficient search for users. Can be used to provide autocomplete functionality when searching for users.

GET /users/suggest


Parameter Description
text the text to use to search for users

The service will returns JSON with the user's displayname (or email if displayname is not set) and id:

[["[email protected]", 4], ["Bjørn", 1]]

Search for users

The search service searches for the user by searching the displayname, firstname, lastname and email of the user.

GET /users/search


Parameter Description
term the text to use to search for users

The service will returns JSON in this format (with search term "bj"):

    "_index": "users",
    "_type": "user",
    "_id": "1",
    "_score": 0.20952989,
    "_source": {
      "firstname": "Bjørn",
      "displayname": "Bjørn",
      "id": 1,
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "lastname": "Hjelle"
    "highlight": {
      "firstname": [
        "<span class=\"highlight\">Bj</span>ørn"
      "displayname": [
        "<span class=\"highlight\">Bj</span>ørn"
      "email": [
        "<span class=\"highlight\">bj</span>[email protected]"
    "_index": "users",
    "_type": "user",
    "_id": "4",
    "_score": 0.17371339,
    "_source": {
      "firstname": null,
      "displayname": null,
      "id": 4,
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "lastname": null
    "highlight": {
      "email": [
        "<span class=\"highlight\">bj</span>[email protected]"

Follow a user

Use this service to follow another user. is the id of the user that the logged in user will follow:

POST /users/<id>/follow

Unfollow a user

Use this service to stop following a user. is the id of the user that the logged in user will stop follow:

POST /users/<id>/unfollow


Use this service to list the users that a user is following:

GET /users/<id>/following

Will return a JSON-array (with only one element in this example) :

    "id": 4,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstname": null,
    "lastname": null,
    "displayname": null


Use this service to list the users that follows a user:

GET /users/<id>/followers

Will return a JSON-array (with only one element in this example):

    "id": 1,
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "firstname": "Bjørn",
    "lastname": "Hjelle",
    "displayname": "Bjørn"

Change the user's profile picture

Use this service to add a profile picture to the logged in user.

POST /user/picture


Parameter Description
picture[content_type] Content type of the picture, e g "image/jpg"
primary Set to "true" if this should be the 'primary' picture. Default is false. Users for now have only one picture so this parameter has no effect.


Tags suggest

The tags suggest service supports efficient search for used tags, so that you can present users with tags used by others:

GET /tags/suggest


Parameter Description
text the text to use to search for tags

The service will return JSON on this format (an array of strings beginning with the search term):

["bioblitzmai2015", "bjorn"]


Collections are like views on the taxonomy that can be created for different purposes and used to filter the content returned from the taxa search service.

List collections

GET /collections

Returns available collections.

Optional parameters

Parameter Description
collection_id Get collections that have the collection as a parent


Services to get and set settings for the user.

List settings

In the settings you can set parameters that limit the data returned from the other services. However, if set as a parameter when calling a service, that parameter will override the value in the settings.

GET /settings

Returns the user's settings.

Update settings

PUT /settings

Parameter Description
collection_id A collection to use as a filter for taxa search
languages A comma seperated list of ISO 639-2 language codes, e g, "nob, nno, eng"
region A region to use as a filter for taxa search
tag_list A string with tags, separated with spaces

The parameters must be supplied as the content of the HTTP PUT in a JSON hash with key "settings". See example program for details (update_settings.rb)


Services to get names and slugs (unique codes) of languages.

List languages

GET /languages

Returns the languages that are in use in Biocaching, as JSON in this format:

    "id": 1,
    "slug": "eng",
    "name": "Engelsk"
    "id": 4,
    "slug": "nob",
    "name": "Norsk bokmål"
    "id": 11,
    "slug": "non",
    "name": "Norsk nynorsk"
    "id": 10,
    "slug": "ces",
    "name": "Tsjekkisk"

Optional parameters

Parameter Description
language_iso Get the names of the languages in a specific language. Default is "eng"


Services to get names and slugs (unique codes) of regions.

List regions

GET /regions

Returns the regions that are in use in Biocaching, as JSON in this format:

    "id": 1,
    "slug": "nor",
    "name": "Norge"
    "id": 2,
    "slug": "ces",
    "name": "Tsjekkia"

Optional parameters

Parameter Description
language_iso Get the names of the regions in a specific language. Default is "eng"

Terms of use

Services to handle terms of use.

Show terms

Returns the current version of the terms of use.

GET /admin/terms

Returns the terms for using the API and the Biocaching services. This service returns json on this format:

      "terms": [
        "term nr 1",
        "term nr 2",
        "term nr 3"
      "updated_at": "2016-04-13 10:57:00"

Term status for the user

Returns whether or not the user has accepted the current terms of use.

GET /admin/terms/status

This service returns json on this format if the user has accepted the terms:

  "status": "accepted"

If the user has not accepted the terms, this is returned:

  "status": "not accepted"

Show terms

Returns the current version of the terms of use.

GET /admin/terms

Returns the terms for using the API and the Biocaching services. This service returns json on this format:

      "terms": [
        "term nr 1",
        "term nr 2",
        "term nr 3"
      "updated_at": "2016-04-13 10:57:00"

Optional parameters

Parameter Description
language_iso Get the terms of use in a specific language. Default is "eng"

Accept the terms (for the current user)

Accepts the terms for the user that has logged in.

POST /admin/terms/accept

The service will return json to indicate that the terms was successfully accepted:

      "status": "accepted"
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