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A minimal library for binary data logging in ESP8266 systems


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A minimal library for binary data logging in ESP8266 systems.


  • Easy to use
  • Stores data in binary along with a UTC timestamp
  • Results in about 50% space spavings when compared to logging the same data in CSV
  • Splits data into daily files, allowing for efficient search
  • Automatically rotates files, deleting the ones that exceed the specified age
  • Uses built-in ESP/newlib time functions


  1. Download the latest release
  2. Extract it into your libraries folder
  3. Rename the folder from SPIFFSLogger-x.x.x to SPIFFSLogger

Getting started

See the summary below and try the example. You may also want to take a peek at our documentation.

Required includes

#include <SPIFFSLogger.h>

The SPIFFSLogData<T> struct

This struct represents the data as stored in SPIFFS (including the timestamp). It is returned in any logger read operations.


template <class T>
struct SPIFFSLogData
    time_t timestampUTC; /** creation time in UTC */
    T data;              /** data of type T */

The SPIFFSLogger<T> class

This is the core of the library. You can create your logger like so:

// store ints, saving files in /log/ and keeping today + 7 days of history
SPIFFSLogger<int> logger("/log", 7);

We can also store a struct (which is probably more useful!):

struct EnvData {
    float temperature;
    float humidity;
    uint16_t pressure;

SPIFFSLogger<EnvData> logger("/log", 7);

Initializing the logger

This library uses the ESP8266 SPIFFS and built-in time functions so you must initialize those components and then call logger.init().

Your setup() should look something like this:

void setup() {
    // configure time however you like, we use NTP here
    wifiSetup(); // ommitted for brevity
    configTime(0, 0, "");
    // initialize SPIFFS
    // initialize our logger

Running required operations

You must call logger.process() in your loop to run the required operations (file updates and rotation). E.g.:

void loop() {
    // your code is here


Writing data

Simply call logger.write() and the data will be logged with the current timestamp:

struct EnvData data = { 23.54, 50.67, 1020 };

Reading data

Reading the first row of today's logfile:

SPIFFSLogData<EnvData> data;
logger.readRows(&data, time(nullptr), 0, 1);
Serial.printf("TS: %d, T: %.2f, H: %.2f, %u\n",

Or the last row:

const time_t now = time(nullptr);
const size_t rowCount = logger.rowCount(now);
logger.readRows(&data, now, rowCount - 1, 1);

Or 25 rows starting at the 50th:

SPIFFSLogData<EnvData> data[25];
logger.readRows(data, time(nullptr), 49, 25);

Filtering data

Retrieving data from the last 20 minutes:

SPIFFSLogData<EnvData> data[25];
size_t count = logger.readRowsBetween(
                       &data,                // output
                       now - (60 * 20),      // time start (inclusive)
                       now,                  // time end (inclusive)
                       0,                    // start index within results
                       25                    // max number of rows to fetch

for (int i=0; i<count; i++) {
    Serial.printf("TS: %d, T: %.2f, H: %.2f, %u\n",


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