This is my master (preperation year) Database Management homework project.
- My aim was in this project to analyze the requirements of book stores (chain) database desing, and create ER diagram.
- After this I have designed a website that can be used by the employees of this book chain so that they can do all the operations/ transactions.
- My aim was to make this project end to end, (yea still there is some little things to do)
- I made this project in about a week. (After working days and weekend)
There is some critical points for me:
- Employees should be able to record sales transactions.
- Customer informations must be recorded.
- Book informations must be recorded.
- And every informations should be recorded by branches.
I specified required tables and entities firstly on draw them on paper. And after this i design it on database. I used SQL Server as database. And ER diagram of the tables is like this.
After this step, I added some constraints in order not to fall into logical errors. This ones are like:
- Phone numbers should be contains exactly 10 characters (digits) like 5553332211.
- Books names and autoer names could be same, because different publishers could publishe them. But trinity of bookname-publisher-author could not be same. This mean we are about to save duplicated book. (Yea actually publishers could publish different editions of same book but I ignored this possibility)
- Price must be positive.
and more.
You can see the constraints:
After design the database I needed data that I could fill in the tables. Hardest one was book names and author names, I took them with web scraping. And later I found most populer turkish names and surnames on the internet and shuffle them, and later match them to use them my customers. And later I found cities and towns. I randomly designed the book titles, found them on my own mind. You can find them all in writeIT.ipynb file. for example phoneNumbers are:
randomNo=[str(random.randint(1000000,9999999)) for i in range(len(customers))]
opNo=[str(i) for i in np.arange(532,548)]
opNo_=[random.choice(opNo) for i in range(len(customers))]
phoeNos=[i+j for i,j in zip(opNo_, randomNo)]
After fill the tables I designed the web application. I used python for rest of all. I used only plotly dash for interface and back. Plotly dash is a flask based library. I'm using it mostly my data science projects to create stream, interactive data visualization outputs. It is so powerfull I thin, you can check plotly dash.
Sales Transaction Page:
You should set the connection infos by your own info, here.