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I did this project as a term project in my master's database lesson. This repo includes the .bak file of the database, .csv files for the tables, .ipynb file to insert all data to the database. And detailed web application.

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This is my master (preperation year) Database Management homework project.

  • My aim was in this project to analyze the requirements of book stores (chain) database desing, and create ER diagram.
  • After this I have designed a website that can be used by the employees of this book chain so that they can do all the operations/ transactions.
  • My aim was to make this project end to end, (yea still there is some little things to do)
  • I made this project in about a week. (After working days and weekend)

There is some critical points for me:

  • Employees should be able to record sales transactions.
  • Customer informations must be recorded.
  • Book informations must be recorded.
  • And every informations should be recorded by branches.

I specified required tables and entities firstly on draw them on paper. And after this i design it on database. I used SQL Server as database. And ER diagram of the tables is like this.

After this step, I added some constraints in order not to fall into logical errors. This ones are like:

  • Phone numbers should be contains exactly 10 characters (digits) like 5553332211.
  • Books names and autoer names could be same, because different publishers could publishe them. But trinity of bookname-publisher-author could not be same. This mean we are about to save duplicated book. (Yea actually publishers could publish different editions of same book but I ignored this possibility)
  • Price must be positive. and more. You can see the constraints:

After design the database I needed data that I could fill in the tables. Hardest one was book names and author names, I took them with web scraping. And later I found most populer turkish names and surnames on the internet and shuffle them, and later match them to use them my customers. And later I found cities and towns. I randomly designed the book titles, found them on my own mind. You can find them all in writeIT.ipynb file. for example phoneNumbers are:

randomNo=[str(random.randint(1000000,9999999)) for i in range(len(customers))]
opNo=[str(i) for i in np.arange(532,548)]
opNo_=[random.choice(opNo) for i in range(len(customers))]
phoeNos=[i+j for i,j in zip(opNo_, randomNo)]

After fill the tables I designed the web application. I used python for rest of all. I used only plotly dash for interface and back. Plotly dash is a flask based library. I'm using it mostly my data science projects to create stream, interactive data visualization outputs. It is so powerfull I thin, you can check plotly dash.

Sales Transaction Page:

Book Page:

Customer Page:

PAge for Other Tables:

Basic DashBoard:

You should set the connection infos by your own info, here.


I did this project as a term project in my master's database lesson. This repo includes the .bak file of the database, .csv files for the tables, .ipynb file to insert all data to the database. And detailed web application.



