This is a straitforward and easy to configure program to send emails from the commandline, shellscripts, etc ...
Grab the latest binary from the release page and make it executable.
Create a config file named /etc/smsr.conf with the following structure
"from": "[email protected]", //email address from which the email will be send
"smtp_server": "", // SMTP server address of your email provider
"port": 587, // SMTP port of your email provider
"user": "[email protected]", //username to login into your email provider
"passwd": "superstrongpasswd", //password to login into your email provider
"starttls": true // true will use STARTTLS, false will use classic TLS
To send an email from the commandline use:
$ ./smsr --subject "Email from SMSR" --body "Your backups are up to date :)" --to "[email protected]"