is a header-only C++ library for unconstrained non-linear
least squares optimization using the Eigen3
It provides the following newton type optimization algorithms:
- Gradient Descent
- Gauss Newton
- Levenberg Marquardt
The library also includes the following step size calculation methods:
- Constant Step Size
- Barzilai-Borwein Method
- Armijo Backtracking
- Wolfe Backtracking
Simply copy the header file into your project or install it using the CMake build system by typing
cd path/to/repo
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make install
The library requires Eigen3
to be installed on your system.
In Debian based systems you can simply type
apt-get install libeigen3-dev
Make sure Eigen3
can be found by your build system.
You can use the CMake Find module in cmake/
to find the installed header.
For examples on using different algorithms and stop criteria, please have a look at the examples/
There are three major steps to use least-squares-cpp
- Implement your error function as functor
- Instantiate the optimization algorithm of your choice
- Pick the line search algorithm and parameters of your choice
#include <lsqcpp.h>
// Implement an objective functor.
struct ParabolicError
void operator()(const Eigen::VectorXd &xval,
Eigen::VectorXd &fval,
Eigen::MatrixXd &) const
// omit calculation of jacobian, so finite differences will be used
// to estimate jacobian numerically
fval.resize(xval.size() / 2);
for(lsq::Index i = 0; i < fval.size(); ++i)
fval(i) = xval(i*2) * xval(i*2) + xval(i*2+1) * xval(i*2+1);
int main()
// Create GaussNewton optimizer object with ParabolicError functor as objective.
// There are GradientDescent, GaussNewton and LevenbergMarquardt available.
// You can specify a StepSize functor as template parameter.
// There are ConstantStepSize, BarzilaiBorwein, ArmijoBacktracking
// WolfeBacktracking available. (Default for GaussNewton is ArmijoBacktracking)
// You can additionally specify a Callback functor as template parameter.
// You can additionally specify a FiniteDifferences functor as template
// parameter. There are Forward-, Backward- and CentralDifferences
// available. (Default is CentralDifferences)
// For GaussNewton and LevenbergMarquardt you can additionally specify a
// linear equation system solver.
// There are DenseSVDSolver and DenseCholeskySolver available.
lsq::GaussNewton<double, ParabolicError, lsq::ArmijoBacktracking<double>> optimizer;
// Set number of iterations as stop criterion.
// Set it to 0 or negative for infinite iterations (default is 0).
// Set the minimum length of the gradient.
// The optimizer stops minimizing if the gradient length falls below this
// value.
// Set it to 0 or negative to disable this stop criterion (default is 1e-9).
// Set the minimum length of the step.
// The optimizer stops minimizing if the step length falls below this
// value.
// Set it to 0 or negative to disable this stop criterion (default is 1e-9).
// Set the minimum least squares error.
// The optimizer stops minimizing if the error falls below this
// value.
// Set it to 0 or negative to disable this stop criterion (default is 0).
// Set the the parametrized StepSize functor used for the step calculation.
optimizer.setStepSize(lsq::ArmijoBacktracking<double>(0.8, 1e-4, 1e-10, 1.0, 0));
// Turn verbosity on, so the optimizer prints status updates after each
// iteration.
// Set initial guess.
Eigen::VectorXd initialGuess(4);
initialGuess << 1, 2, 3, 4;
// Start the optimization.
auto result = optimizer.minimize(initialGuess);
std::cout << "Done! Converged: " << (result.converged ? "true" : "false")
<< " Iterations: " << result.iterations << std::endl;
// do something with final function value
std::cout << "Final fval: " << result.fval.transpose() << std::endl;
// do something with final x-value
std::cout << "Final xval: " << result.xval.transpose() << std::endl;
return 0;
The performance for solving an optimization problem with least-squares-cpp
can be significantly
influenced by the following factors:
- line search, such as Armijo or Wolfe Backtracking, is expensive
- limit the maximum number of iterations for line search algorithms
- if you do not have a full analysis of your objective, numerics can do funny things and the algroithm can get stuck for quite some time in line search loops
- limit the maximum number of iterations for line search algorithms
- calculating jacobians numerically by finite differences is expensive and has low precision
- consider providing an explicit jacobian in your error functor
- consider using algorithmic differentiation in your error functor (not necessarily faster, but more precise)
- parallelize your error functor
- usually calculations for different parts of an error vector can be done independently
- compile in
uses a lot of runtime checks inDebug
mode, so there is quite some performance gain
[1] Jorge Nocedal, Stephen J. Wright, Numerical Optimization, Springer 1999