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Customizing user characterization survey

Pedro Matheus edited this page Sep 25, 2018 · 1 revision

Edit the file survey.xml located at settings folder.

<item id="form">
	<input type="input" required="true" key="inputex">
		<label>Input example.</label>
	<input type="radio" required="true" key="radioex">
		<label>Radio example.</label>
		<option name="Radio 1">Example1</option>
		<option name="Radio 2">Example2</option>
	<input type="select" required="true" key="selectex">
		<label>Select example.</label>
		<option name="Select example 1">select1</option>
		<option name="Select example 2">select2</option>
		<option name="Select example 3">select3</option>
	<input type="multiCheckbox" required="true" key="multicheckboxex">
		<label>Multi-checkbox example.</label>
		<option name="Checkbox 1">checkbox1</option>
		<option name="Checkbox 2">checkbox2</option>
		<option name="Checkbox 3">checkbox3</option>
	<input type="textarea" required="false" key="textareaex">
		<label>Text Area example.</label>

Rendered from xml example Rendered from xml example

<input> Defines a field where user may give input;
required="..." Whether this input is required (user has to give input) or not. true or false are supported;
key="..." How the input will be stored and referenced. For example, 'Radio example' will be referenced as 'radioex' and 'radioex' will have one of the two possible values, Example1 or Example2;
type="..." Defines the input type. Currently, we support: select, input, radio and textarea;
<label> Defines the input label. name="..." Defines how the option will be shown;
<option>value</option> 'value' inside tag is the actual value which will be stored.

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