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Customizing the normal distribution.

Pedro Matheus edited this page Sep 25, 2018 · 2 revisions

Edit the file map.xml located at settings folder.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <column id="3" colour="#06960D">2</column>
        <column id="2" colour="#45B149">6</column>
        <column id="1" colour="#5ABA5D">10</column>
        <column id="0" colour="#969292">14</column>
        <column id="-1" colour="#FF8989">10</column>
        <column id="-2" colour="#FF7171">6</column>
        <column id="-3" colour="#E82A2A">2</column>

colour="..." defines color of the column panel;
id="..." defines the label of the column panel;
The number within <column> tag defines how many statements the column will hold.
Adding or removing <column> effectively adds or removes columns from the normal distribution. Note that to go to the next step, the user have to complete the normal distribution by distributing (sorting) the statements. To complete the normal distribution defined on this example, the user has to distribute (2+6+10)x2 + 14 = 50 statements, so you would have to provide the user with 50 statements beforehand. Statements are defined at settings/statements.xml. For more information about statements, see Customizing statements.

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