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Adding Plugin Updates to Extension Plugins

Benjamin Intal edited this page Apr 10, 2015 · 6 revisions

PB Sandwich Extension License admin page

Plugin extensions that are being sold in through EDD can have updates pushed to installations with an active license key.

When one or more extensions are active, the Extension License Activation admin page will become available to the user. And license keys can be entered, activated or deactivated all from that page.

Each extension doesn't have to write it's own updater script, the pbs_extension_updater filter can be used:


add_filter('pbs_extension_updater', 'my_extension_updater');
function my_extension_updater( $extensions ) {
	$extensions[] = array(
   	  	'store_url' => '',
   	  	'name' => 'My Cool Extension',
   	  	'file' => __FILE__,
   	  	'version' => '1.0',
   	  	'author' => 'Gambit',
   	  	'url' => '',
	return $extensions;

This script adds the extension "My Cool Extension" to the Extension License Activation admin page, and plugin updates will become available for it when an active license is placed by the user.


Parameter Type Default Description
store_url string The URL to the store with EDD where the extension is available. e.g.
name string The name of the extension. This should match the download name in EDD extactly.
file string The full path of the main script of the extension plugin. The value here should be the __FILE__ value when called from the main plugin script.
version string The current version of the extension which will be checked against the version specified in the store_url, to determine if an update is needed.
author string The author name
url string The URL where the extension is available. This turns the extension name in the license area into a link.
ssl boolean false Use true when the store_url above uses SSL