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A Grafana datasource plugin for FIWARE/NGSI-LD context brokers


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NGSI-LD Grafana datasource plugin

A Grafana datasource for FIWARE context brokers. Supports temporal, geo and graph data.

Zenodo link: DOI

Getting started

The datasource plugin is available as a .tgz file from the releases:

The following instructions describe one way to spin up a Grafana instance in a Docker container with the datasource plugin loaded. It is not required to clone the git repository, but configuration, creation of dashboards and the setup of the NGSI-LD context broker need to be done separately. For a sample scenario with preconfigured datasource and plugins see Run git sample scenario below.

Download the released datasource plugin, decompress it and run Grafana in a Docker containers:

curl -L --output ngsild-grafana-datasource-1.0.0.tgz
tar -zxvf ngsild-grafana-datasource-1.0.0.tgz
MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 docker run --rm -d --name grafana-dev -p 3000:3000 \
    -v $(pwd)/ngsild-grafana-datasource:/var/lib/grafana/plugins/ngsild-grafana-datasource:ro \
    -e GF_PATHS_PLUGINS=/var/lib/grafana/plugins \
    -e GF_PLUGINS_ALLOW_LOADING_UNSIGNED_PLUGINS=ngsild-grafana-datasource \
    -e GF_SERVER_DOMAIN=localhost \

Create a new data source at http://localhost:3000/datasources/new. Filter for ngsild and select the NGSI-LD datasource. On the configuration page for the plugin, enter the URLs of the context provider, NGSI-LD broker and the temporal endpoint. With Docker Desktop on Windows the hostname host.docker.internal refers to the internal IP address of the host, which can be convenient if the mentioned services run on the host, too.

To stop Grafana, run docker stop grafana-dev.

Run git sample scenario

The repository contains a sample scenario with preconfigured services. This assumes that docker (and docker-compose) is installed and running. Clone the repository, then run the following commands in a bash shell (e.g. git Bash on Windows), starting from the repo base folder:

cd datasource
cd ..

It will spin up an NGSI-LD context broker along with several supporting services and sample data, as well as a Grafana instance with the preconfigured datasource and some sample dashboards. Visit http://localhost:3000/dashboards in the browser to see the dashboards. To shutdown everything, run ./ See Build the plugin and Run sample scenario for details and options.

Datasource configuration

After creating an instance of the datasource, the various URL endpoints for the context broker, context provider and token provider need to be configured.

Screenshot of the datasource configuration menu

  • Context broker URL (url): The main URL of the FIWARE context broker, e.g. Orion-LD, such as http://localhost:1026.
  • Temporal broker URL (jsonData.timeseriesUrl): The URL of the temporal endpoint of the FIWARE context broker, e.g. provided by Mintaka, such as http://localhost:8083
  • Context URL (jsonData.contextUrl): The URL of the context source, such as http://localhost/ngsi-context.jsonld
  • OAuth token URL (jsonData.tokenUrl): When authentication is required to access the context broker this is the URL of the IDM/OAuth token endpoint, provided for instance by Keyrock. Example: http://localhost:3005/oauth2/token
  • Client id (secureJsonData.clientId): The client id for the OAuth client credentials grant flow assigned to Grafana. This must be configured in the IDM.
  • Client secret (secureJsonData.clientSecret): The client id for the OAuth client credentials grant flow assigned to Grafana. This must be configured in the IDM.

When using the provided docker compose setup to run Grafana with the datasource, configurations can be provided by means of environment variables, see Run standalone Grafana with datasource instance

Query configurations

The sample scenario included in this repository comes with three sample dashboards which can be used as templates.

Temporal/Timeseries graphs

Timeseries queries are the default query type for this plugin. They retrieve the temporal evolution of an attribute. The temporal query endpoint /temporal/entities must be active for this, which is optional for NGSI-LD brokers. When used with Orion-LD, the additional Mintaka component must be present.

Screenshot of the menu for a temporal query

Current values

Queries for the current value of an attribute are supported as well, by selecting the current value query type.

Screenshot of the menu for a current value query

Map visualization

Map visualizations can be realized by means of geo queries, and the Grafana Geomap panel type. Entities matching the selected filter conditions will be shown as markers on the map. The size of the markers and several other properties can be adapted to the values of specified entity attributes in the panel configuration on the right.

Screenshot of the menu for a geomap visualization

Node graphs

By selecting the node graph query type the datasource provides input data for the Grafana Node graph panel type. In the dedicated menu for this query type the user can select which attribute values are shown in the nodes and how the color of the nodes will be determined.

Screenshot of the menu for a node graph visualization

Folder structure

|-- datasource 
       |-- plugin:   Source code of the datasource
       |-- volumes:  Preconfigured Grafana configs (datasource, dashboards) for the sample scenarios
|-- modelSteel:      Data model for the sample scenarios
|-- screenshots:     Screenshots
|-- volumes:         IDM/Keyrock configuration for the authentication scenario

Build the plugin

Use either the Docker workflow or the Node.js workflow.

Docker workflow

Switch to the datasource directory:

cd datasource

Install the required dependencies:


Then build the plugin:


Node.js workflow

Switch to the plugin directory:

cd datasource/plugin

Install the required dependencies:

yarn install --ignore-engines

Then build the plugin:

yarn dev

Run sample scenario

This assumes that the plugin has been built before (see above), and requires Docker (docker-compose). After starting one of the two docker compose scenarios the Grafana frontend will be available at http://localhost:3000. No authentication to Grafana required.

No authorization

In this scenario the context broker can be accessed without authentication.


Access the Grafana dashboards at http://localhost:3000/dashboards.



With authorization enabled

In this scenario the context broker is protected by a PEP proxy, which allows only authenticated users to access the broker. The OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant flow is used for authentication. The datasource plugin gets configured with a client id and client secret, which are used to retrieve an access token from the identity management service. Grafana then forwards this access token to the PEP proxy with every data request (docs here:


Access the Grafana dashboards at http://localhost:3000/dashboards.



Clean up

In order to perform a clean start, remove all volumes associated to this scenario (stop first):


Update datasource

After implementing changes in the plugin source code you can update the running instance by executing

docker restart fiware-grafana

and reload the Grafana tab in the Browser.

Run standalone Grafana with datasource instance

This assumes that the plugin has been built before (see above), and requires Docker (docker-compose). Switch to the datasource directory:

cd datasource

Then execute either ./ or

docker compose up -d

To stop, run either ./ or

docker compose down

Configuration options

These options can be set via environment variables:


CLIENT_ID=my-client CLIENT_SECRET=top-secret docker compose up -d


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