Releases: betula/use-between
Hello everyone!
React 18 was recently released and I began to see mentions of concurrent rendering on the Internet more often. We are all very excited about the new release and want to be ready! One of the checks to make sure your application is ready for a new rendering mode is to make sure it works in Strict Mode.
In release 1.3.4 I added support for Strict Mode - now everything works great. #33
You can keep improving your projects and keep up with the times.
Enjoy your code!
Hey Guys!
Whoooo! In this release, we have added an API for testing and working with shared logic in global code visibility, and not just inside React components. #23 (comment)
And also fixed the found bug, now everything is fine, you can be calm 😉
I want to say a special thank you to everyone who contributed to this release, for every question, bug report, comment and star! Thanks to this, the library has become even cooler and more reliable! Which makes me very happy too!
What do you think about it, do you like it?
How happy are you with the use-between?
Share, everyone will be happy! Especially I'm))
Hey Guys! What do you think about this library, what positive or negative happens together!?
Please, share It, will be greatly welcome it!
The dragon claw [alpha]
Sharing React hooks stateful logic between components
You can try this library, but not use it in production.