This helper is a discord bot for ZAP: the Zoom Attendance Project for CS 3130 at the University of Utah. Automatically reports weather at current time, 1 hour prior, and 2 hours prior to scheduled class times.
- /weather discord command: Gets current weather/temp for the city as provided in .env
- Optional 'datetime' parameter uses natural language parsing to provide historical data with hour precision
- For example:
/weather last Friday
returns weather at this time last Friday
/covid command: gets new cases and 7 day avg new cases totals from (No longer implemented due to lapse of support from University of Utah coronavirus website)
- Scheduled updates: Reports weather
and covid dataautomatically at class times- Note: Schedule is hard-coded in (see planned features)
- Minute-precision of historical datapoints in scheduled reports
- Run
to configure which channels to report to
- Dockerized: It's simple to get the helper running on any system with docker installed
- Make class schedules configured from file
Create a .env file and add the following variables:
- DISCORD_API_KEY=[your discord application token]
- INTENTS=[discord permissions needed]
- APPLICATION_ID=[your discord app id]
- OPENWEATHER_CITY_ID=[openweathermap city id for weather data]
- OPENWEATHER_TOKEN=[your openweathermap api token]
- DATA_DIRECTORY=[path to a persistent directory to store subscribed channel]
cd cs3130-project-helper/src
DISCORD_API_KEY=<your API key> APPLICATION_ID=<discord app id> node deploy-commands.js
- Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed
- Clone and
cd cs3130-project-helper
- Configure .env file (see .env.example)
- Make a persistent data directory with
mkdir data
docker-compose up -d