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Update 8.3eab8545.js
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bep20 committed Jan 18, 2025
1 parent 14615ec commit b4b2c0c
Showing 1 changed file with 133 additions and 1 deletion.
134 changes: 133 additions & 1 deletion assets/js/8.3eab8545.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,133 @@
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r("p", [
"Token Generator is a distributed application that runs on the Blockchain (Ethereum, BSC, Solana, or Polygon network), using specially-developed Smart Contracts to enable users to build their ERC20, BEP20, Solana, or Polygon Tokens."
t._v(" "),
r("p", [
"Easily deploy Smart Contract for a Standard, Capped, Mintable, Burnable, Payable|Operable Token."
t._v(" "),
r("p", [t._v("Create a Token in less than a minute.")]),
t._v(" "),
r("p", [r("strong", [t._v("No login. No setup. No coding required.")])]),
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r("p", { staticClass: "custom-block-title" }, [t._v("Requisite")]),
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t._v("To most easily create your tokens, you must first install a browser extension or a mobile app called "),
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