A database for a medic to register apointments
Note: this system was developed for use in portugal and is, therefore, in portuguese only
Start by creating a database using CreateDatabase.java in dbutils. This will set up a SQLite database and all the necessary table info.
After this first step, run Main.java inside gui/client. This will start up the system.
This system allows a person to register apointments with all the info needed and update, delete or filter over these apointments.
Adding an apointment to the database
Updating info about an apointment
Filtering over the apointments' info
Makes use of ORMLite, which can be checked here
The jar files used are core and jdbc.
Due to a split packages conflict, there was the need to join these two jar files, using the following commands:
$ mkdir tmp
$ cd tmp
$ unzip -uo ../jar1.jar
$ unzip -uo ../jar2.jar
$ cd ..
$ jar -cvf combined.jar -C tmp .