A terraform module to deploy a mlflow server with nginx basic authentication on Google Cloud. This module install a development MLflow for quick experiment.
- It uses a local sqlite for the database.
- There is only one hardcoded user account, accessed through basic authentication.
- There is no SSL.
To create ressources on Google Cloud, terraform needs:
- A Google Cloud Platform project
- A service accound with the permissions needed to create ressources in the project and its json key file
- A working terraform >= 0.13
In an empty directory, copy the service account json key file.
Create a file with a
extention and add the module configuration with your own values:module "mlflow" { source = "github.com/benqua/terraform-google-mlflow" project = "project-name" cred_file = "project-name-service-accound-key-file-XXXNNNXXXNNX.json" service_account_email = "[email protected]" ssh_user = "your ssh username" ssh_pub_key_file = "~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub" zone = "europe-west6-b" machine_type = "n1-standard-1" mlflow_password = "PasswordT0AccessMLflow" } output "mlflow_ip" { value = module.mlflow.cip description = "IP to access mlflow server (HTTP or SSH)" }
terraform init
terraform plan
and check the output -
terraform apply
and answeryes
Wait. Once the ressources are created, terraform will output
, the IP to access the MLFlow server.
Note that:
- Once the ressources are created, it takes a few minutes before the MLflow server is available. This time is needed to configure the instance, download and run MLflow and the Nginx proxy (for basic auth).
- The MLflow server is accessible through HTTP (and not HTTPS).
A terraform destroy
will destroy the mlflow server and the disck containing the metrics and the S3 bucket containing the models.