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bennyk edited this page Jun 2, 2015 · 4 revisions

These cheatsheet doc covers steps taken from cloning the source tree from github to dispatching the player on your device.

1. Clone and pull the complete source tree from github: -

% git clone
% cd benny-ffmpeg-player
% git checkout headtrackingvr
% git submodule init
% git submodule update

2. Build android-ffmpeg-x264 package.

% cd android-ffmpeg-x264
% ./
% cd Project/jni     # chdir to android-ffmpeg-x264/Project/jni
% ./
% ./

3. Build MyFFmpegLibrary in MyFFmpegPlayer.

# chdir to benny-ffmpeg-player/MyFFmpegPlayer/libraries/MyFFmpegLibrary
% cd ../../../MyFFmpegPlayer/libraries/MyFFmpegLibrary
% ./

4. Run the player on device.

  1. Launch Android Studio
  2. Select "Open an existing Android Studio project"
  3. Choose MyFFmpegPlayer folder in benny-ffmpeg-player
  4. Connect your phone and press the "Play" button to run the code on your device.
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