web-hd-sdk Mainly integrates ledger and trezor hardware to sign in web project, currently supports btc,eth,bch:adc,ltc (Continuous update.)。
For the latest stable version:
npm install web-hd-sdk
import {HdCore} from 'web-hd-sdk';
const source_data = {
"chainId": "3",
"gasLimit": 30000,
"gasPrice": 1000000000,
"input": {
"address": "0x3d6501f741b00afb3efca3928b22d0551c77b785",
"path": "m/44'/60'/72'/0/1"
"nonce": 5,
"toAddress": "0x87da9eceb42a8a0c23e6058447ff301da5f5f8a9",
"txnCoinNum": 1.2
const hd = new HdCore('ledger', 'eth','testnet');//ledger need network
new HdCore(this.entity.deviceName, this.entity.coinType , this.entity.network, this.entity.path);
try {
const res = await hd.signTransaction(data);
} catch (e) {
res = {
success: true,
message: "",
v: "",
r: "",
s: "",
import {HdCore} from 'web-hd-sdk';
const source_data = {
"input": {
"address": "muJhWgBWKDaigLaoi3DLWQJZvDm2xZ7Zb7",
"paths": [
"addressPublicKey": "",
"addressType": "",
"path": "m/44'/1'/72'/0/2",
"xpub": ""
"requires": 1,
"signIndex": 0
"outputs": [
"address": "muHguY8uX6xNStgCk48gummL841DVnFiFt",
"coinNum": 0.2,
"isScript": false,
"outputType": 10,
"sequence": 0
"address": "muJhWgBWKDaigLaoi3DLWQJZvDm2xZ7Zb7",
"coinNum": 0.07842285,
"isScript": false,
"outputType": 11,
"sequence": 1
"utxos": [
"coinNum": 0.13960399,
"index": 1,
"sequence": 0,
"txid": "0073c6242c08d739635ed0b213b926a7926189b952079828cb05d0137a65ab19"
"coinNum": 0.13882886,
"index": 0,
"sequence": 1,
"txid": "60347cc6928e6471d55f3a86d67ace6908fa3a762da43fc86780158dc77d41eb"
const hd = new HdCore('ledger', 'btc','testnet');//ledger need network
try {
const res = await hd.signTransaction(data);
} catch (e) {
res = {
success: true,
message: "",
signatures: "",
version: ""
import {HdCore} from 'web-hd-sdk';
//let derivationPath = 'eth' --- "44'/60'/0'" btc_testnet: "44'/1'/0'"
const hd = new HdCore('ledger', 'btc','testnet',derivationPath);//ledger need network
const res = await hd.getWalletAddress({
isHd: true,
segwit: false,
start: 0,
end: 5
res = {
addressList: [{
address: "0xcd63f1f9d5ecf522208c978a76679a573d0466e0"
coinType: "eth"
path: "44'/60'/0'/0",
baseEncoding: ""
hex: "0x0356c0dfa323a12ff0e188012f439865d0a5d3291793b51e55496e7275a5432c27"
chainCode: ""
publicKey: ""
xpubStr: ""