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Next.js 13 app directory MDX blog template, unstyled, with tailwindcss, automatic article resolving, reading time estimation, etc.

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4f34591 · Jun 5, 2023


24 Commits
Jun 5, 2023
Jun 5, 2023
Jun 5, 2023
Jun 5, 2023
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Jun 5, 2023
Jun 4, 2023
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Jun 5, 2023
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Jun 5, 2023
Jun 5, 2023
Jun 5, 2023
Jun 5, 2023

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Guide for adding articles

To check if everything worked as you expected just do yarn - to install dependencies, yarn dev - to run the code and open it on localhost:3000

  1. Each article's folder structure should be:

    Put it inside /app/articles/ folder

    • <slug> - folder
      • page.mdx - article's content
      • <any other files> - article's assets, like images
  2. Each article's <slug> should be:

    • unique
    • put as the folder name
    • use kebab-case naming convention
  3. Each article should export a metadata object, e.g.:

    import image from "./image.png";
    export const metadata = {
      title: "What are Storage Proofs and how can they improve Oracles?",
      description: `What are Storage Proofs and how can they improve Oracles?
    Trustless Cross-Chain Information Access on Starknet`,
      date: "Apr 21, 2023",
      authors: ["Starknet"],
      //? Image has to be imported from the folder of the article

    Extensive metadata is not required, though recommended, essential fields are: title, description, date, authors, image

  4. Metadata should match the following type:

    Don't get scared by the huge object below, it's Next.js Metadata object that translates to meta tags and is needed for better SEO, if you don't care just use the Required/Recommended fields

     <!-- Required/Recommended -->
     title: string;
     description: string;
     image: string;
     date: string;
     authors: string | string[];
     <!-- Full Metadata possibilities, SEO -->
      * The base path and origin for absolute urls for various metadata links such as OpenGraph images.
     metadataBase?: null | URL;
      * The document title.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "My Blog"
      * <title>My Blog</title>
      * { default: "Dashboard", template: "%s | My Website" }
      * <title>Dashboard | My Website</title>
      * { absolute: "My Blog", template: "%s | My Website" }
      * <title>My Blog</title>
      * ```
     title?: null | string | TemplateString;
      * The document description, and optionally the OpenGraph and twitter descriptions.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "My Blog Description"
      * <meta name="description" content="My Blog Description" />
      * ```
     description?: null | string;
      * The application name.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "My Blog"
      * <meta name="application-name" content="My Blog" />
      * ```
     applicationName?: null | string;
      * The authors of the document.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * [{ name: "Next.js Team", url: "" }]
      * <meta name="author" content="Next.js Team" />
      * <link rel="author" href="" />
      * ```
     authors?: null | Author | Array<Author>;
      * The generator used for the document.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "Next.js"
      * <meta name="generator" content="Next.js" />
      * ```
     generator?: null | string;
      * The keywords for the document. If an array is provided, it will be flattened into a single tag with comma separation.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "nextjs, react, blog"
      * <meta name="keywords" content="nextjs, react, blog" />
      * ["react", "server components"]
      * <meta name="keywords" content="react, server components" />
      * ```
     keywords?: null | string | Array<string>;
      * The referrer setting for the document.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "origin"
      * <meta name="referrer" content="origin" />
      * ```
     referrer?: null | ReferrerEnum;
      * The theme color for the document.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "#000000"
      * <meta name="theme-color" content="#000000" />
      * { media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)", color: "#000000" }
      * <meta name="theme-color" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" content="#000000" />
      * [
      *  { media: "(prefers-color-scheme: dark)", color: "#000000" },
      *  { media: "(prefers-color-scheme: light)", color: "#ffffff" }
      * ]
      * <meta name="theme-color" media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" content="#000000" />
      * <meta name="theme-color" media="(prefers-color-scheme: light)" content="#ffffff" />
      * ```
     themeColor?: null | string | ThemeColorDescriptor | ThemeColorDescriptor[];
      * The color scheme for the document.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "dark"
      * <meta name="color-scheme" content="dark" />
      * ```
     colorScheme?: null | ColorSchemeEnum;
      * The viewport setting for the document.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "width=device-width, initial-scale=1"
      * <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
      * { width: "device-width", initialScale: 1 }
      * <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1" />
      * ```
     viewport?: null | string | Viewport;
      * The creator of the document.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "Next.js Team"
      * <meta name="creator" content="Next.js Team" />
      * ```
     creator?: null | string;
      * The publisher of the document.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "Vercel"
      * <meta name="publisher" content="Vercel" />
      * ```
     publisher?: null | string;
      * The robots setting for the document.
      * @see
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "index, follow"
      * <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
      * { index: false, follow: false }
      * <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
      * ```
     robots?: null | string | Robots;
      * The canonical and alternate URLs for the document.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * { canonical: "" }
      * <link rel="canonical" href="" />
      * { canonical: "", hreflang: { "en-US": "" } }
      * <link rel="canonical" href="" />
      * <link rel="alternate" href="" hreflang="en-US" />
      * ```
      * Multiple titles example for alternate URLs except `canonical`:
      * ```tsx
      * {
      *   canonical: "",
      *   types: {
      *     'application/rss+xml': [
      *       { url: 'blog.rss', title: 'rss' },
      *       { url: 'blog/js.rss', title: 'js title' },
      *     ],
      *   },
      * }
      * <link rel="canonical" href="" />
      * <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/rss+xml" title="rss" />
      * <link rel="alternate" href="" type="application/rss+xml" title="js title" />
      * ```
     alternates?: null | AlternateURLs;
      * The icons for the document. Defaults to rel="icon".
      * @see
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * ""
      * <link rel="icon" href="" />
      * { icon: "", apple: "" }
      * <link rel="icon" href="" />
      * <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="" />
      * [{ rel: "icon", url: "" }, { rel: "apple-touch-icon", url: "" }]
      * <link rel="icon" href="" />
      * <link rel="apple-touch-icon" href="" />
      * ```
     icons?: null | IconURL | Array<Icon> | Icons;
      * A web application manifest, as defined in the Web Application Manifest specification.
      * @see
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * ""
      * <link rel="manifest" href="" />
      * ```
     manifest?: null | string | URL;
      * The Open Graph metadata for the document.
      * @see
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * {
      *   type: "website",
      *   url: "",
      *   title: "My Website",
      *   description: "My Website Description",
      *   siteName: "My Website",
      *   images: [{
      *     url: "",
      *   }],
      * }
      * <meta property="og:type" content="website" />
      * <meta property="og:url" content="" />
      * <meta property="og:site_name" content="My Website" />
      * <meta property="og:title" content="My Website" />
      * <meta property="og:description" content="My Website Description" />
      * <meta property="og:image" content="" />
      * ```
     openGraph?: null | OpenGraph;
      * The Twitter metadata for the document.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * { card: "summary_large_image", site: "@site", creator: "@creator", "images": "" }
      * <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image" />
      * <meta name="twitter:site" content="@site" />
      * <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@creator" />
      * <meta name="twitter:title" content="My Website" />
      * <meta name="twitter:description" content="My Website Description" />
      * <meta name="twitter:image" content="" />
      * ```
     twitter?: null | Twitter;
      * The common verification tokens for the document.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * { verification: { google: "1234567890", yandex: "1234567890", "me": "1234567890" } }
      * <meta name="google-site-verification" content="1234567890" />
      * <meta name="yandex-verification" content="1234567890" />
      * <meta name="me" content="@me" />
      * ```
     verification?: Verification;
      * The Apple web app metadata for the document.
      * @see
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * { capable: true, title: "My Website", statusBarStyle: "black-translucent" }
      * <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes" />
      * <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-title" content="My Website" />
      * <meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style" content="black-translucent" />
      * ```
     appleWebApp?: null | boolean | AppleWebApp;
      * Indicates if devices should try to interpret various formats and make actionable links out of them. For example it controles
      * if telephone numbers on mobile that can be clicked to dial or not.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * { telephone: false }
      * <meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no" />
      * ```
     formatDetection?: null | FormatDetection;
      * The metadata for the iTunes App.
      * It adds the `name="apple-itunes-app"` meta tag.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * { app: { id: "123456789", affiliateData: "123456789", appArguments: "123456789" } }
      * <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=123456789, affiliate-data=123456789, app-arguments=123456789" />
      * ```
     itunes?: null | ItunesApp;
      * A brief description of what this web-page is about. Not recommended, superseded by description.
      * It adds the `name="abstract"` meta tag.
      * @see
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "My Website Description"
      * <meta name="abstract" content="My Website Description" />
      * ```
     abstract?: null | string;
      * The Facebook AppLinks metadata for the document.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * { ios: { appStoreId: "123456789", url: "" }, android: { packageName: "com.example", url: "" } }
      * <meta property="al:ios:app_store_id" content="123456789" />
      * <meta property="al:ios:url" content="" />
      * <meta property="al:android:package" content="com.example" />
      * <meta property="al:android:url" content="" />
      * ```
     appLinks?: null | AppLinks;
      * The archives link rel property.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * { archives: "" }
      * <link rel="archives" href="" />
      * ```
     archives?: null | string | Array<string>;
      * The assets link rel property.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * ""
      * <link rel="assets" href="" />
      * ```
     assets?: null | string | Array<string>;
      * The bookmarks link rel property.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * ""
      * <link rel="bookmarks" href="" />
      * ```
     bookmarks?: null | string | Array<string>;
      * The category meta name property.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "My Category"
      * <meta name="category" content="My Category" />
      * ```
     category?: null | string;
      * The classification meta name property.
      * @example
      * ```tsx
      * "My Classification"
      * <meta name="classification" content="My Classification" />
      * ```
     classification?: null | string;
      * Arbitrary name/value pairs for the document.
     other?: {
         [name: string]: string | number | Array<string | number>;
     } & DeprecatedMetadataFields;


Next.js 13 app directory MDX blog template, unstyled, with tailwindcss, automatic article resolving, reading time estimation, etc.






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