=== Poster Design: ===
- create jinja2 template for poster.
- create some static javascript functions
- import all needed files (brain.js, bokeh.js, etc.)
- create python code to generate plots as needed => AS A SERVER.
- Listen to events from all the different plots. => Update data source for regression. => Update selections for others.
- All plots have a CustomJS to update the brain, using library functions in brain.js.
=== What's done: ===
- manhattan plot (ish) - running from poster!
python gwas.py display MRI_cort_area_ctx_frontalpole_AI --output-format flask
- Brain navigator with stats
python brain.py MRI_cort_area.ctx. AI:mean --output-format flask
- Scatter plot
python scatter.py MRI_cort_area.ctx. AI:mean AI:std LH_PLUS_RH:mean --output-format bokeh
- Similarity matrix
python similarity.py MRI_cort_area.ctx partial-correlation "Asymmetry Index" --output-format bokeh
(note the funky missing dot on the prefix)
=== To do:===
move selector code OUT of roygbiv and into SfN2015
make bokeh plots output to data or plots dir.
combine flask server into one uber-server, from all the apps.
- use urls like /[app]/[plot]/...
deployment script - to copy files to a structure that will work for non-flask servers (no url re-routing)
Regression plots - multiple per area, based on what you want to see (age, gender, both). Plot both when brain is clicked.
Export / import of data
Correlation between thickness and area
GWAS on frontal pole
Brain map for PCA components
interactions between plots
- Make a poster
- put things on the poster!