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bchavez edited this page Mar 12, 2019 · 80 revisions

RethinkDb.Driver is a ReQL driver for RethinkDB. This driver is closely ported from the official Java driver. Architecturally, both the Java driver and C# driver are very similar. This C# driver has some extra language features that add some expressiveness over the Java driver (such as anonymous type optional arguments).

This driver also aims for 100% API compatibility and ReQL completeness with the official drivers. This driver is considered a superset of features of the official Java driver. This driver also passes the same battery of ReQL unit tests as the official RethinkDB drivers.

Getting Started

NuGet Package RethinkDb.Driver

Install-Package RethinkDb.Driver

Getting Help

Commercial Support

Independent commercial support and consulting are available for this community driver. To ensure best practices in .NET, proper driver usage, training, and critical bug fixes for the C# community driver contact Brian Chavez (twitter, email) for more information.

Community Support

Discord Server and the primary means of getting help for free. If you don't receive the invite, check your spam folder. If your C# related question can't be answered by anyone tag @bchavez in your question.


Developers can follow the examples found in the official ReQL documentation for the Java driver. In general, the C# driver and Java driver are both API compatible.

The C# driver supports additional integrated language ReQL features such as anonymous type arguments. The documentation for the extended C# driver features can be found here.

Tutorials and Blog Posts


Java Driver

Driver Development

If you're interested in making a contribution or want to build the driver manually, these pages might be helpful.

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