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/ Coronan Public template

Coronan is an example C++17 project using conan and CMake.


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Documentation for Co[ro]nan


The About Corona Covid-19 API ist not available any longer. Therefore this application does not work properly anymore. An Alternative API must be looked for.

Co[ro]nan is an example C++17 Qt project using conan and CMake. It reads the current data of Corona (Covid-19) cases for a country from the The About Corona Covid-19 API.

The About Corona Covid-19 provides statistics via REST API from The World Health Organization Situation Reports, Johns Hopkins CSSE, The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, The National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China, The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and China CDC Weekly.

Screenshot of the qt application

Project Features

This projects is a C++ project template. It includes everything a "Modern" C++ project possibly needs:


To build the project you need python and a recent conan version, a recent version of CMake (> 3.15), a modern C++ compiler (C++17) and Qt with QtCharts.

To install all python requirements for documentation generation, build and coverage generation (including conan and cmake) use:

#> pip3 install -r py-requirements.txt

How to build

You have the following options to build the project

Use build script:

In a linux shell you can build the project with the provided script. E.g. to build in folder build execute:

#> ./ build

See ./ -h for more options


You can also build it yourself using CMake:

  • cmake < 3.20

    #> mkdir build
    #> (cd build && cmake ..)
    #> cmake --build build
  • cmake >= 3.20

    #> cmake -S . --preset=linux-ninja
    #> cmake --build -S . --preset=ninja-debug

    or any other CMakePresets.

Source Code formatting

For source code formatting clang-format for C++ files and cmake-format for the CMake files are used. Run to format all C++ and CMake files.

Note: Delete the build directory before formatting, otherwise all CMake files in the build folder will be formatted as well, what may take a while.

CMake options

  • ENABLE_TESTING: Build (and run) unittests. Default: ON
  • ENABLE_BUILD_WITH_TIME_TRACE: Enable Clang Time Trace Feature. Default: OFF
  • ENABLE_PCH: Enable Precompiled Headers. Default: OFF
  • ENABLE_CACHE: Enable caching if available, e.g. ccache or sccache. Default: ON
  • ENABLE_COVERAGE: Enable coverage reporting for gcc/clang. Default: OFF
  • ENABLE_DOXYGEN: Enable doxygen documentation build (Doxygen must be installed). Default: ON if Doxygen is installed OFF otherwise._
  • ENABLE_SPHINX: Enable sphinx documentation build (Sphinx with Breath must be installed). Default: ON if Sphinx is installed OFF otherwise._
  • ENABLE_SANITIZER_ADDRESS: Enable address sanitizer. Default: OFF
  • ENABLE_SANITIZER_LEAK: Enable leak sanitizer. Default: OFF
  • ENABLE_SANITIZER_UNDEFINED_BEHAVIOR: Enable undefined behavior sanitizer. Default: OFF
  • ENABLE_SANITIZER_THREAD: Enable thread sanitizer. Default: OFF
  • ENABLE_SANITIZER_MEMORY: Enable memory sanitizer. Default: OFF
  • ENABLE_IPO: Enable intermodular optimization, aka Link Time Optimization (LTO). Default: OFF
  • ENABLE_CPPCHECK: Enable static analysis with cppcheck. Default: ON if cppcheck is installed OFF otherwise.
  • ENABLE_CLANG_TIDY: Enable static analysis with clang-tidy. Default: ON if clang-tidy is installed OFF otherwise.
  • ENABLE_INCLUDE_WHAT_YOU_USE: Enable static analysis with include-what-you-use. Default: ON if include-what-you-use is installed OFF otherwise.
  • ENABLE_CONAN_BUILD_ALL: Enable building all conan requires from source. May help if you get linking errors. _Default: OFF

Pre-Commit Hooks

The following Pre-commit-hooks are used to check and format files before committing:

  • check-added-large-files: Prevent giant files (> 500kB) from being committed.
  • fix-byte-order-marker: Forbid files which have a UTF-8 byte-order marker
  • check-case-conflict: Check for files with names that would conflict on a case-insensitive filesystem like MacOS HFS+ or Windows FAT.
  • check-merge-conflict: Check for files that contain merge conflict strings.
  • check-symlinks: Checks for symlinks which do not point to anything.
  • check-yaml: Attempts to load all yaml files to verify syntax.
  • check-json: Attempts to load all json files to verify syntax.
  • check-toml: Attempts to load all TOML files to verify syntax.
  • check-executables-have-shebangs: Checks that non-binary executables have a proper shebang.
  • end-of-file-fixer: Makes sure files end in a newline and only a newline.
  • mixed-line-ending: Replaces or checks mixed line ending.
  • trailing-whitespace: Trims trailing whitespace in markdown
  • clang-format: Format C++ files using clang-format
  • cmake-format: Format CMake files using cmake-format
  • yamllint: Linter for yaml files
  • yamlfmt: Format yaml files

Please install pre-commit hooks before committing any code.


To start right away without installing anything on your local machine, you can simply use the button at the top of this README.

direnv & Nix

If you have direnv and nix installed everything should be setup to start upon entering the project folder. gcc (gcc10) is set as default C and C++ compiler. If you prefer clang (clang_11) change it in .envrc

When using nix. The most resent cmake is available and therefore configure and build CMakePresets can be used.