- everything is for student preparedness and grit
- best instructor.brian
- [email protected], [email protected]
- my::evidence.portfolio
➢ quality, and fast, information exchange
➢ (how.To.INformation.Synthesis)]https://docs.google.com/document/d/1qlqpbJyMVOGaLuswjlRD1ZKvXutZk5N1IGpMZ4CNkOc/edit?usp=sharing)
➢ how.To.Write.Reccommendation --> LinkedIn with characteristic ontological analysis
➢ how.To.machine.learning_______--> essentials
Spring 2024
- Endicott College
➢ CSC265 Discrete Structures; built custom ai lesrning agent
➢ CSC160/160L Introduction to Programming
➢ CSC160L Introduction to Programming Lab
text.book=> Discovering Computer Science by Jessen Havill
cloud.IDE=> https://www.codingrooms.com/
Fall 2023
- Clark University, Quanthub, SNHU
➢ k-12.Generative.AI.curriculum.analysis.for.state.of.Alabama.via.quanthub ->Quanthub
➢ mscs.3050.software.engineering ->clarkU
➢ mscs.3070.survey.of.systems.and.programming.languages->clarkU
➢ it.304.system.design.analysis->snhu
Spring 2023
- UTK, Ben Franklin Tech, SNHU
➢ cosc.526.introduction.to.data.mining->utk.edu via noodle
➢ ct.144.Intermediate.C++, Summer I->benjamin franklin institute
➢ it.226.technical.communication.w.AI-> snhu
- Google, ICARUS-ai, SNHU
➢ Google, lead writrer, Get Started with Python
➢ it.304.system.design.analysis->snhu
➢ >_7.pillars.of.python-> ICARUS-AI
➢ Alert Innovation wrote ASRS robotic and structure repair, service, and user manuals / salesforce
CIA fellowship
➢ quality challenges for advanced computer/information science students
Harvard careers
➢ diverse positions; search = research assistant; quality training and unbeatable tuition benefit
PREDOC - pathways top research and doctoral careers
➢ outstanding interface to research labs and experiencing research environments for discerning further PhD work
The whole and patch should be commensurate.
t.jefferson to James Madison
Jun 20th, 1787
=> portfolio.summary
I equip students with fierce skills
in data wrangling, machine learning,
stats, and systems thinking.
My expertise includes industrial re-engineering,
theoretical system design, Python and R programming,
and STEM communication. I’m grateful for my
Syracuse University data science professors who
provided quality theoretical knowledge and practical
skills to perform pipeline machine learning and
authoring courses like Data Mining and
Get Started with Python at Google.
My pedagogical approach is anchored in mnemonics and
interactive JAMs, fostering active student collaboration
using Colab, Google Sheets, and GitHub.
My >_7.pillars.of.python initiative democratizes access
to programming essential tools and data transformation
with pillars like data.objects^3, functions^4, iterators^5,
libraries^6, and transformers^7. The framework encourages
students to employ information science ontology principles
to process, interpret, and reshape information.
=> who.survives?
I deeply value each classroom learning experience because
our Lacanian REAL is skill replacement by large
language models and generative pretrained transformer.
In 2023, a study by Eloundou, Manning, Mishkin, and Rock (p.1,3)
found that 80% of the US workforce have at least 10% of
their work tasks affected by LLMs and 19% of all jobs
aving 50% skill replacement exposure.
#=> what's.happening? -> ai.agents
To help student mnemonics at crucial moments, I’m tooling GPT AI agents to
1.Convert lecture audio to text; integrating into a class corpus repository.
2.Synthesize disparities across audio, lecture notes, and textbooks using GPT APIs.
3.Email lecture summary and disparity index.
4.Aggregate and feed repository media to AI agent for student interactive learning.
=> Dr. Stanton great at this
reasoning with data - bayesian using R