The service
command of the CLI manage the installation, upgrade, and management of all necessary bazooka containers
Usage: bzk service COMMAND [arg...]
Manage bazooka service (start, stop, status, upgrade...)
start Start bazooka
restart Restart bazooka
upgrade Upgrade bazooka to the latest version
stop Stop bazooka
status Get bazooka status
You can run bzk service start
with multiple options
Usage: bzk service start [--home|--scm-key|--registry|--docker-sock]... [--version]
Start bazooka
--home="" Bazooka's work directory ($BZK_HOME)
--scm-key="" Location of the private SSH Key Bazooka will use for SCM Fetch ($BZK_SCM_KEYFILE)
--mongo-uri="" URI of a MongoDB server ($BZK_MONGO_URI)
--registry="" ($BZK_REGISTRY)
--docker-sock="" Location of the Docker unix socket, usually /var/run/docker.sock ($BZK_DOCKERSOCK)
--version="" The bazooka version to run
Restart Bazooka with the options previously set with bzk run start
Usage: bzk service restart [--recreate [-swd]]
Restart bazooka
--recreate Recreate existing Bazooka containers
-s, --server Recreate existing server container
-w, --web Recreate existing web container
-d, --database Recreate existing database container
Upgrading Bazooka means downloading newer images of Bazooka from the Docker hub. Be aware that this action may take some time
Usage: bzk service upgrade
Upgrade bazooka to the latest version
bzk service stop
will stop the Docker containers of Bazooka
Usage: bzk service stop
Stop bazooka
bzk service status
will print the status of Bazooka containers
Usage: bzk service status
Get bazooka status