Bazooka is a Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery Server designed to let you install it wherever you want; On your local computer, on dedicated servers within your enterprise network, or on virtualized Cloud instances.
Bazooka is also technology agnostic: out of the box, it supports Go, Java, Python and Node, and can easily be extended to support other languages.
We believe the build configuration should reside alongside your code, and be versioned as well. Tools like Travis or CircleCI led the way.
But most of these tools are hosted services, and the "install yourself" alternatives are few and did not match what we think a Continuous Integration Tool like this should be.
This his why Bazooka was created.
Bazooka uses Docker as a runtime and extension mechanism.
In Bazooka, everything is a plugin, and every plugin is a Docker container. You can read more about our plugin architecture here