This is a very simple demo board I designed around one of my favorite microcontrollers: The PIC 16F628A from Microchip. I also wrote a small "framework" in asm for it, that handles the display, buttons, serial comm, text scrolling, etc, and I've included a simple implementation of Tetris as an example of its usage.
You'll find the schematic and board layout (KiCad) of the OWO board in the /board folder. There's a lot that can be improved but it works as it is. The demo code and framework/boilerplate is in the /asm_demo_code directory.
You can see a video of one the early builds of the Tetris demo running on the board:
Tetris implemented in assembly on the PIC16F628A demo board I designed a few months ago. #electronics #DIY #assemblycode #microchip
— Elias Zacarias (@battlecoder)March 24, 2019