Bastien Girardet - Bachelor Thesis - Cryptocurrencies volatility forecasting using heterogeneous models based on multi-layer neural network adn classical ARCH family models
First we need to install pipenv
$ brew install pipenv
$ pip3 install pipenv
Then provided the Pipenv file in the repository, we can install all the requirements by doing in the directory:
$ pipenv install
In this notebook we generate all the graphs for this thesis concerning descriptive stats, log returns distribution, historical volatility distribution, etc..
Figures are saved in the folder /figs
This python script bruteforce all arch-type possible models The results are saved in /models/ts/fits
This file recompute the variance of each models to make forecast on the testing sample Results are saved in /mcs/data/models/TS/
We process the results from script number 2 to find the superior set of classical arch-types models. Results are saved in ./mcs/results/*-top-5*.csv/
We get back the results of the models from the metadata saved in script #1
We plot the top models
Here we compute all combination possible with the different hyperpamaters (e.g. model 5 - Drop out rate 0.4 - Normal - ANN-GARCH(1,1)
Here we compute the mcs for the heterogenous models computed in the previous script. Results are saved in /mcs/results/crypto-top-5-formatted.csv
We plot the top models
Own library made for the purpose for this thesis can be found in libaries/ Compute various indicators