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Signals Registry

This repository contains the signal_ids for BandProtocol feeds module. A registry.json contains the aggregated signals that makes it easy to start using the signals in Bothan.

Schema files containing the recommended metadata structure can be found in *.schema.yaml files located in the schema/ directory.


The metadata in these files represents the sources and its corresponding routes used to compute the signal value. For more details on the structure of the signal.yaml and its fields, please refer to the schema file located in schema/signal.schema.yaml.

An example signal.yaml can also be seen below:

- source_id: binance
  id: btcusdc
  - signal_id: CS:USDC-USD
    operation: '*'
- source_id: binance
  id: btcusdt
  - signal_id: CS:USDT-USD
    operation: '*'
- source_id: coinbase
  id: BTC-USD
- source_id: coinbase
  id: BTC-USDT
  - signal_id: CS:USDT-USD
    operation: '*'
- source_id: coingecko
  id: bitcoin
- source_id: coinmarketcap
  id: '1'
- source_id: kraken
  id: XBT/USD
- source_id: kraken
  id: XBT/USDC
  - signal_id: CS:USDC-USD
    operation: '*'
- source_id: kraken
  id: XBT/USDT
  - signal_id: CS:USDT-USD
    operation: '*'
- source_id: okx
  id: BTC-USDC
  - signal_id: CS:USDC-USD
    operation: '*'
- source_id: okx
  id: BTC-USDT
  - signal_id: CS:USDT-USD
    operation: '*'


The metadata in these files represents the processor used for all signals with the corresponding prefix. For more details on the structure of the prefix.yaml and its fields, please refer to the schema file located in schema/prefix.schema.yaml.

An example prefix.yaml can also be seen below:

  function: median
    min_source_count: 3


We accept pull requests for new signals or changes to existing signals. Please give the pull request a descriptive title and explain the changes you are making in the description.

For example:

# Title 
"Added New Signal CS:BTC-USD"

# Description 
"Added new signal CS:BTC-USD with sources from binance, coinbase, coingecko, coinmarketcap, kraken and okx"

Adding/Modifying Signals

  • Navigate to the appropriate prefix directory under ./signals/.
  • If a new signal is being created, create a new file with the signal suffix. For instance, to add signal CS:BTC-USD, we create a file called BTC-USD.yaml. If a signal already exists, and you want to modify it, edit the existing file.
  • In the file, define the sources and their corresponding routes (if any) to compute the signal.
  • Assure that any referenced prerequisite signals already exist in the registry. If they do not, please add them as well. Also, make sure that the dependencies used do not form a circular dependency. For example, if CS:BTC-USD references CS:USDT-USD, CS:USDT-USD cannot reference CS:BTC-USD

Example: Adding a New Signal CS:BTC-USD

Let's say you want to add a new signal called CS:BTC-USD where its sources are binance and coinbase, the file would look like this:

- source_id: binance
  id: btcusdc
  - signal_id: CS:USDC-USD
    operation: '*'

- source_id: binance
  id: btcusdt
  - signal_id: CS:USDT-USD
  operation: '*'

- source_id: coinbase
  id: BTC-USD

In this case, the signal CS:BTC-USD is derived from Binance's btcusdc and btcusdt pairs and Coinbase's direct BTC-USD pair. The Binance btcusdc route indicate that the value for BTC-USD will be computed by multiplying btcusdc from Binance and the signal value forCS:USDC-USD.

When adding a signal, ensure any referenced prerequisite signals (like CS:USDC-USD and CS:USDT-USD in this example) already exist in the registry. If they do not, please add them as well.

Adding/Modifying Prefixes

  • To add a new signal prefix, create a YAML file in the ./prefix/ directory that defines the processing logic for all signals with the corresponding prefix.

Example: Adding a New Prefix

To add a new prefix called CS, create a file called CS.yaml in the ./prefix/ directory. The file would look like this:

  function: median
    min_source_count: 3

This prefix file defines that all signals with the prefix CS will be processed using the median function using at least three sources.


Shield: CC BY 4.0

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

CC BY 4.0


Band Protocol's official signal registry repository







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