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Releases: balena-os/balena-jetson-orin


17 Jan 09:32
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a8f0098 (Update layers/meta-balena digest to a65d804, 2025-01-17)


13 Jan 10:33
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5b4e0b4 (contracts: Update to latest version, 2025-01-08)
5199551 (layers/meta-balena: Update to v6.2.8, 2025-01-08)
d4f1ddc (workflows: Add workflow file for Forecr DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN Orin NX 16GB, 2025-01-08)


02 Jan 09:30
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9aa48a1 (layers/meta-balena: Update to v6.2.5, 2024-12-29)
1c2071d (rename forecr-dsb-ornx-lan to forecr-dsb-ornx temporarily, 2024-12-27)
b15fb42 (contracts: Update to v2.0.122, 2024-12-27)
b26362f (github/workflows: Add Forecr ORNX Orin Nano 8GB workflow file, 2024-12-27)
364f087 (extra-udev-rules: Forecr DSB-ORNX-LAN, 2024-12-27)
d9d20c5 (nvidia-kernel-oot: Forecr DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN device tree overlays, 2024-12-16)
d5f9388 (os-power-mode: Forecr DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN, 2024-12-13)
f499312 (hostapp-update-hooks: Forecr DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN, 2024-12-13)
c3ddba6 (balena-image: partition sizes for Forecr DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN, 2024-12-13)
49aabe0 (balena-image: add can-utils for Forecr DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN, 2024-12-13)
d6baf7d (linux-jammy-nvidia-tegra: enable lan734x for DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN, 2024-12-13)
5ca1a27 (jetson-dtbs: Forecr DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN, 2024-12-13)
548e2a3 (recipes-bsp/uefi: Forecr DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN, 2024-12-13)
c8c2395 (tegra-nv-boot-control-config: Forecr DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN, 2024-12-13)
24f54ac (tegra-binaries: Forecr DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN, 2024-12-13)
6f9e56b (conf/machine: Forecr DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN, 2024-12-13)
40cf916 (add coffee files for Forecr DSBOARD-ORNX-LAN, 2024-12-13)


13 Dec 16:23
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eb92388 (balena-yocto-scripts: Update to latest, 2024-12-11)
66dc65e (edk2-container: Fix typo in build script, 2024-12-11)
0bf4e29 (layers/meta-balena: Update to v6.1.24, 2024-12-11)
1b3e179 (os-power-mode: Fix Orin Nano low power mode index, 2024-12-11)


05 Dec 09:21
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631e1e9 (balena-image-initramfs: Drop installing unused package, 2024-12-02)
6d76693 (github/workflows: Update workflows for all device-types, 2024-12-02)
0ad481d (nvidia-kernel-oot: Enable CONFIG_80211D for rtl8822ce, 2024-12-02)
939cf02 (contracts: update to v2.0.117, 2024-12-02)
3da7cbf (balena-yocto-scripts: update to v1.27.16, 2024-12-02)
968cbf5 (recipes-bsp/tegra-binaries: Update AGX 64 boot blob and UEFI capsule, 2024-12-02)
30dc28e (layers/meta-balena: Update to v6.1.16, 2024-11-28)
b56267c (jetson-qspi-helpers: Use device-specific name when setting efivars, 2024-11-28)
d1d2f79 (recipes-bsp/uefi: Force use NewDeviceHierarchy, 2024-11-28)
55c7c37 (recipes-core/initrdscripts: Patch migrate module to copy Jetson flashing artifacts, 2024-11-26)
11bfbd8 (recipes-support/jetson-qspi-manager: Allow applying of capsule updates on accessible QSPIs, 2024-11-26)
5230b92 (hostapp-update-hooks: Remove hardcoded internal devices, 2024-11-26)
4290aa3 (resin-init-flasher-board: Write QSPI directly only when booted with Orin Flash scripts, 2024-11-22)
11a4165 (linux-jammy-nvidia-tegra: Increase timeout so that the flasher rootfs can settle, 2024-11-22)
5ad71fe (recipes-support/jetson-qspi-manager: Add package for triggering UEFI capsule updates, 2024-11-21)
7a814f4 (resin-init/resin-init-flasher-board: Trigger an UEFI capsule update if QSPI is inaccessible, 2024-11-21)
59e6847 (recipes-core/balena-image: Install jetson-qspi-manager, 2024-11-21)
cd2aa3f (images/balena-image-initramfs: Increase ROOTFS_MAXSIZE, install packages for QSPI updating, 2024-10-14)
77611c6 (recipes-bsp/uefi: Minor cleanup in patches, 2024-10-06)
c90a872 (recipes-bsp/uefi: Add flasher image check in bootloader, 2024-09-30)
7430d88 (resin-init/resin-init-flasher-board: flash boot blob only if QSPI is available, 2024-09-30)
5073c2c (images/balena-image-initramfs: Install migrate dependencies in initramfs, 2024-09-30)
dd18657 (recipes-bsp/uefi: Exist build script on failure, 2024-09-30)
bf699ac (images/balena-image-flasher: Install UEFI bootloader in the flasher boot partition, 2024-09-30)


21 Nov 08:35
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10edeb6 (layers/meta-balena: Update to v6.1.10, 2024-11-18)
f34a487 (recipes-core/packagegroups: Install connectivity firmware trough the connectivity packagegroup, 2024-11-11)
4053827 (recipes-core: remove linux firmware packages from the image recipe, 2024-11-11)


28 Oct 07:32
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2a2a689 (Update balena-os/balena-yocto-scripts action to v1.27.2, 2024-10-24)
8c79b13 (balena-yocto-scripts: Update to v1.27.2, 2024-10-24)
f138490 (layers/meta-balena: Update to v6.0.47, 2024-10-24)
b9a13ff (recipes-kernel/linux: Add reComputer Industrial J4012 ethernet driver, 2024-10-24)


24 Oct 05:01
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04185a2 (layers/meta-balena: Update to v6.0.46, 2024-10-21)
27ec55f (recipes-support/os-power-mode: Add device-specific power mode configuration script, 2024-10-10)
e214537 (tegra-binaries/tegra-nvpmodel: Use bind-mounted path for configuration file, 2024-10-10)
92f6f08 (recipes-support/os-fan-profile: Add device specific fan configuration package, 2024-10-10)
3615cd1 (tegra-binaries/tegra-nvfancontrol: Use bind-mounted path as created by os-fan-profile, 2024-10-10)
cacd845 (recipes-bsp/tegra-binaries: Remove unused dependency from nvfancontrol, 2024-09-30)


15 Oct 10:51
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ccc398c (Update balena-os/balena-yocto-scripts action to v1.25.63, 2024-10-11)
41de214 (balena-yocto-scripts: Update layer to v1.25.63, 2024-10-14)
52d93c6 (layers/meta-balena: Update to v6.0.43, 2024-10-14)


11 Oct 10:15
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8b89b93 (recipes-kernel/linux: Ensure CONFIG_JOYSTICK_XPAD is enabled, 2024-10-09)
d8559e1 (recipes-linux/jetson-dtbs: Install custom spi dtb for AGX Orin 32GB only, 2024-10-09)
286072b (Add custom DTB to recipe, 2024-10-08)
642a908 (Add custom DTB to enable SPI bus, 2024-10-08)
144512f (recipes-kernel/linux: Enable hid logitech and joystick configs, 2024-10-08)
a034a5d (layers/poky: Use updated backport_addpylib branch, 2024-10-01)
7c6a7fe (recipes-kernel/linux: Enable rfcomm support and tty emulation, 2024-10-01)