suitcasecab.jpg 42nd street.jpg cardboardcab.jpg girpbat.jpg OGcab.jpg qwopbear and hug cab.jpg ratkingcab.jpg scad.jpg spacecruiser.jpg
Coffin cab
- by Jared Hiller
- year or event debuted
- games they are most known for or made for
- description of how they were made or what they were made from (if it is a found cabinet just repainted/modified, all made up from the zero, woodwork, acrylic or fiberglass cabinet, this kind of detail)
Robot cab
- by Nick Kusyck
Stripey Ida's
Pedestal ?
- by Syed & Kunal
- by Lauren
Soda Drinker Penguin Pro
- by Frank
Manhattan Fury
- by Dave Mauro
Girl Cab
- by Hilary Florido
Handcarved cab
- by John Mejias
Future Babycastles cab (repainted)
- by Rocky Banks
Green cab
- kate kosek
Sto's Cabinet - destroyed -
Grey - destroyed -