Remix your plex hubs
- Merge hubs (recommended rows) from different libraries into a single hub (interleave). Aka have movies and shows in a single row.
- Choose between styles, shelf (default) or hero.
- Remove watched items from hubs.
- Auto load artwork for hero styles.
- Filter hubs by its restrictions (per user hub)
- Disable user state: remove watched badges from hub items.
- Disable leaf count: remove episode count from artwork.
- Force maximum quality.
- Auto select version based on resolution of the client.
- Fallback to different version if selected version is video transcoding.
- Works on every client not only plex web!
- Plays nice with PMM (and without).
Replex is an proxy that transforms the communication between the plex media server and plex clients. This allows replex to change some dials that otherwise wouldnt be possible.
Docker compose example including plex:
version: "3"
container_name: plex
- PUID=1000
- PGID=1000
- TZ=Etc/UTC
- VERSION=docker
# claim from
- 32400:32400
- /path/to/library:/config
- /path/to/tvseries:/tv
- /path/to/movies:/movies
restart: unless-stopped
container_name: replex
REPLEX_HOST: http://plex:32400
REPLEX_TOKEN: ***** # server admin plex token:
- 3001:80
restart: unless-stopped
- plex
Add your proxy url to plex "Custom server access URLs" (ex Then access your proxy url
Note: DO NOT run the plex container in host mode. It will cause plex to connect to the local ip instead of the custom url for local clients and bypass replex.
Note: Plex clients are a bit broken with custom urls and unsecured connections. Most wont work if the custom server url is not secure. So for testing the direct web client is fine but after that you want to setup SSL. See the "Remote access" section for more info.
Settings are set via environment variables
Setting | Default | Description |
REPLEX_HOST | Url of your plex instance. ex: | |
REPLEX_TOKEN | server admin plex token, needed for hero images. To find your token see: | |
REPLEX_INTERLEAVE | true | Interleave home hubs. Collection hubs with the same name from different libraries are interleaved (combined) into one. |
REPLEX_EXCLUDE_WATCHED | true | If set to true, hide watched items for hubs. |
REPLEX_HUB_RESTRICTIONS | true | Apply collections restrictions to their hub's. Plex does not apply restrictions to hubs, so you cannot have different collection hubs for users. this fixes that. |
REPLEX_DISABLE_CONTINUE_WATCHING | false | Disable/remove the continue watching row |
REPLEX_DISABLE_USER_STATE | true | Remove watched badges from hub items. * does not work on all clients |
REPLEX_DISABLE_LEAF_COUNT | false | Remove episode count label from show artwork. |
REPLEX_HERO_ROWS | Comma seperated list of hubidentifiers to make builtin hubs hero style. For custom collections see Hhb style. Options are: home.movies.recent movies.recent movie.recentlyadded movie.topunwatched movie.recentlyviewed movie.recentlyreleased home.television.recent tv.recentlyadded tv.toprated tv.inprogress tv.recentlyaired |
REPLEX_FORCE_MAXIMUM_QUALITY | false | This will force clients to use the maximum quality. Meaning that if a client requests anything other then the maximum quality this will be ignored and the maximum quality (direct play/stream when server allows for original) is used instead. This doesn't prevent transcoding. It only sets the bitrate to original quality. So if a client needs a different codec, container or audio it should still transcode. |
REPLEX_FORCE_DIRECT_PLAY_FOR | false | Force direct play for the given resolutions. Options are "4k", "1080" and "720". This wil result in an error message if the client does not support directplay. Not recommended |
REPLEX_VIDEO_TRANSCODE_FALLBACK_FOR | If the selected media triggers a video transcode. Fallback to another version of the media. Only triggers on video transcoding. Remuxing is still allowed. Options are "4k" and "1080". Example if REPLEX_VIDEO_TRANSCODE_FALLBACK_FOR is set to "4k" then 4k transcodes will fallback to another version if avaiable |
REPLEX_AUTO_SELECT_VERSION | false | If you have multiple versions of a media item then this setting will choose the one thats closest to the client resolution. So a 1080p TV will get the 1080P version while 4k gets the 4k version. A user can still override this by selecting a different version from the client. |
REPLEX_DISABLE_RELATED | false | See: lostb1t#26. |
REPLEX_REDIRECT_STREAMS | false | Redirect streams to another endpoint. |
REPLEX_REDIRECT_STREAMS_HOST | REPLEX_HOST | Alternative streams endpoint |
REPLEX_CACHE_TTL | 1800 | Time to live for general caches in seconds. Set to 0 to disable (higly recommended to keep enabled besides testing purposes). |
Collections hubs with the same name from different libraries will be merged into one on the home screen. So an collection hub named "Trending" in the Movie library will be merged with an collection named "Trending" from a shows library on home.
Note, this does not work on builtin hubs. As i personally dont see then need of mixing those. You can recreate the builtin rows with smart collections if you wish to have that functionality, or with PMM ofcourse.
For custom collections you can change the hub style to hero by setting the label "REPLEXHERO" on an collection.
For built in rows you can use the hubidentifier in the REPLEX_HERO_ROWS
. See the setting for available know options.
Note: hero style elements uses coverart from plex. Banner or background is not used. Note: Hero elements are not supported for continue watching by plex. You can replicate this functionality by creating a smart collection which filters on in progress and settinf REPLEX_DISABLE_CONTINUE_WATCHING
If you want to hide watched items from your hubs, you can set REPLEX_EXCLUDE_WATCHED
to true. Alternatively, you can add the label "REPLEX_EXCLUDE_WATCHED" to a collection to exclude watched items from that collection only.
Because this app sits before Plex the builtin remote access (and auto SSL) will not work and needs to be disabled.
For testing purposes you can access through the browser at http://[replexip]:[replexport] (ex: http://localhost:3001) But if you want other clients to connect to replex you need to setup a reverse proxy with a domain and preferable ssl.
A few easy to setup reverse proxys are: or
Once you have your domain hooked up to replex add your replex url to 'Custom server access URLs' field under network. and lastly disable remote access under remote access.
Clear you clients caches to force plex reloading the custom server url
Note: SSL is highly suggested, some clients default to not allowing insecure connections. And some clients dont even support insecure connections (
There should be no need for this but if you have a reverse proxy running and dont want to proxy streaming through plex then you can route the following paths and it subpaths directly to plex.
- /video/:/transcode/universal/session
- /library/parts
If you have for example an appbox it might not be ideal to stream media through replex. As that will take a lot of network resources.
You can redirect streams by enabling REPLEX_REDIRECT_STREAMS
if it needs to be different from REPLEX_HOST
Note: Plex doesnt handle redirects wel, and will not remeber it. So every chuck of a stream will first hit replex and then gets redirected to actuall download that chuck from the redirect url. So a bit wastefull
- hero hubs on Android devices dont load more content. so hero hubs have a maximum of 100 items on Android.
- On android mobile hero elements in libraries are slightly cutoff. This is plex limitation.
- when exclude_watched is true a maximum item limit per library is opposed of 250 items. So if you have a mixed row of 2 libraries the max results of that row will be 500 items.
- disable_user_state: For movies this works in the webapp. Shows work accross clients
- disable GDM in plex and make sure plex is not directly acccesible. you can use this url to check what servers plex communicates to your clients:
- Try to clear the cache on the client. Old plex domains might linger.