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HTTP file server with expiration dates.


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Torpedo is a small web server that is designed to share downloadable files with your friends. The links will expire automatically based on either of two conditions:

  • If the download is older than X days.
  • If the token (see below) has expired.

The project is in a fully usable state.


How To


Please note that I am not a security expert! This software is not built with security as its top-most priority. Use this software at your own risk and use common sense!


The easiest way to run torpedo is inside a docker container (see below). If you cannot or don't want to run a containere there are Releases for Linux, OSX and Windows. These are standalone releases that do not require the installation of the .Net CORE runtime.

Setup downloads

For each downloadable file in your downloads folder you need to create a text file with the extension ".token". E.g. you have the files cook.png and you need to add:

  • cook.token and
  • my_zipped_secret.token

These files are simple text files that contain an arbitrary number of lines. Each of these lines is interpreted as a token value. A file might look like this:


The first value abcdef has not been used and therefor does not have an expiration date. The second value has been used and expires on the first of January 2019. The colon is not part of the token value. Expiration dates are set when a download of the given file is attempted. If you want to, you can set an expiration date manually or edit a previously written date using a text editor. Expiration can be given as:

yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
yyyy-MM-ddTHH\\:mm\\:ss.fffffffzzz (ISO 8601)

You can add comments as well:

abcdef # This is a comment.
123456:2019-01-01 # This is also a comment.

Download files

There are two ways to download files.

Use direct links in the following form:


Where cook.png is a route paramter for the file to download and abcdef is the validation token. Alternativly you open the root page:


and enter the filename and token into the input fields.

Lifetime of downloads and tokens

There are two checks that are performed before a download is served:

Lifetime of a download

The "last written" timestamp of the token file (not the download file) is used to check how old the download is. If the timespan is larger than the DownloadLifetime value in the configuration the download is considered expired and will not be served.

Lifetime of a token value

You can define any number of token values inside a token file (see above). The lifetime of each value is tracked individually and can bet set manually by simply writing a value into the .token file (see above).

This means that you can create multiple download urls per file, e.h. for sharing with multiple users.

This lifetime is a workaround for the fact that the webserver has no idea if a file download was successful. There might be any number of problems that's why a successful download cannot be tracked. That's why this lifetime gives people multiple chances to try and download the file.

Setup Uploads

You can enable uploads for remote users. To do so you have to set UploadsEnabled to true. You may optionally define a maximum upload size by setting MaxUploadSize (bytes). Please note that there is a hardcoded size limit of ~1.5GB for remote uploads. This is because of the way ASP.NET Core and Giraffe handle uploads. Please note that uploads are not checked for malicious content!

Uploads use the same BasePath as downloads. To enable uploads to a folder create a file named .token. This file follows the same syntax as the regular download token files.

Upload files

To upload a file you need to give an upload token to a remote user. The user needs to go to:


and enter the token. The Upload-button is not enabled until the user validates his token. You can also use a tool like curl or wget to upload the file directly:


Method: POST
Content: multipart/form-data
Form parameter: token = $YOUR_TOKEN

Please note that the token is only verified after the file finished uploading. That's why the GUI requires the user to validate the token before starting the upload. If you want to upload a token in a script and want to check a token, you can do so by sending a request the following way:

const Http = new XMLHttpRequest();
const url = "/api/upload/validate";
const form = new FormData();

form.append("token", token);"POST", url);

You will either receive "true" or "false" as result.


Torpedo supports the following configuration options:

  • BasePath: needs to point to the directory you want to use to serve files.
  • DownloadLifetime: Expiration time of a download. This is counted from the moment you create the token file (using the last written timestamp). Given in the format $DAYS:HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.
  • TokenLifetime: Expiration time of a single token value. This is set the moment the first user uses this token. Given in the format $DAYS:HOURS:MINUTES:SECONDS.
  • CleanExpiredDownloads: Makes Torpedo periodically check all downloads and delete the token and content files for expired downloads.
  • CronIntervalInHours: Interval in which the aforementioned action is performed. Given in hours.
  • UploadsEnabled: Enables the upload feature for remote users. Note that you will still need to create upload tokens manually.
  • MaxUploadSize: Maximum size of uploads, given in bytes. Please note that the framework currently limits Torpedo to an upload size of about 1.5 GB.

Only the BasePath setting is required to run torpedo (all other settings can be initialized in a meaningful way).

The application takes parameters from two sources:

Configuration file

On startup the application looks for a config.json (you can specify another filename by setting the environment variable TORPEDO_CONFIG). Here is a sample of a complete configuration:

	"BasePath": "/home/b0wter/tmp/torpedo",
	"DownloadLifetime": "7.00:00:00",
	"TokenLifetime": "2.00:00:00",
	"CleanExpiredDownloads": false,
	"CronIntervalInHours": 24,
	"UploadsEnabled": false,
	"MaxUploadSize": 1073741824

Environment variables

All settings can also be set by using environment variables. Prepend the setting key with TORPEDO_ (e.g. TORPEDO_BASEPATH).

You can override configuration settings with environment variables by prefixing the setting name with TORPEDO_ e.g. TORPEDO_BASEPATH.


Prebuilt Docker images are available through Docker Hub. You can also build your own images with the Dockerfile in the project root. You can configure the container by injecting a config file into the container (e.g. by using mount) or set environment variables.

docker run -d --restart=always -p 8080:80 --mount type=bind,source=/home/b0wter/tmp/torpedo,target=/app/content/ -e TORPEDO_BASEPATH=/app/content --name mytorpedo b0wter/torpedo

Alternatively, you can use this docker-compose.yml (change the volume to match a folder on your host system):

version: "3"

    container_name: mytorpedo
    image: b0wter/torpedo
      - "8080:80/tcp"
      TZ: 'Europe/Berlin'
      TORPEDO_BASEPATH: /app/content
      - $PWD/content:/app/content
    restart: unless-stopped

To use Torpedo from inside a Docker container you'll need to do the following:

  • Create folder on your host system for your downloads, e.g. /srv/torpedo.
  • Create a configuration file with BasePath set to /app/content (see Configuration part, or simply use the config_docker.json in this repo)).
  • Use the following parameters for your docker run: -p 8080:80 --mount type=bind,source=/your/local/folder/,target=/app/content/

A full command might look like this:

docker run -d --restart=always -p 8080:80 --mount type=bind,source=/home/b0wter/tmp/torpedo,target=/app/content/ --name mytorpedo b0wter/torpedo

It is possible to use another folder as /app/content/ inside the container but that requires you to supply a custom config.json as bind-mount.

To build your own image you only need the docker runtime. Run the following command from the folder of the cloned repository:

docker build -t torpedo .

Images (linux/amd64 & linux/arm64) are auto-generated from this repository and can be found on Docker Hub.


Currently there is no native support for certificates. I recommend running this app behind a reverse proxy (which may offer https). Either Caddy or Traefic are perfect choices to do so as they offer Let's Encrypt support out of the box.

Creating downloads

Downloads can easily be created manually. However, this repository contains a bash script that makes creating downloads even easiert. It takes (at least) three parameters:

  1. the path to your downloads directory
  2. the name of the new 7z download (downloads created by this script are always zipped and encrypted)
  3. A list of files to be added to the 7z file (may contain wildcards).
./ /srv/torpedo new_download.7z /home/b0wter/downloads/linux_isos/*

This will automatically create a random password (using /dev/random), zip the given files, copy the zip to the destination folder and create a new token file with a random token. Please make sure that you write down the password created for the new download as it cannot be recovered!