A truly functional Angular Material 18 (Material 3) theme changer (currently probably the only existing one)
After many days of unsuccessful and desperate search for a solution based on the official documentation, searching the web, github, npm.js, searching for a solution, trying and testing various, always outdated solutions, it was possible to find a simple and functional solution based on the dynamic setting of prebuild themes. I also wanted to write on the Angular-Material github if they could link to a single (ONLY ONE) complete working solution that allows you to dynamically switch between light and dark themes, instead of partial code snippets, but I didn't believe they would.
- index.html
<link id="theme-link" rel="stylesheet" href="indigo-pink.css" />
<body class="mat-app-background">
Prebuild themes copied to folder public
- rose-red.css
- purple-green.css
- pink-bluegrey.css
- magenta-violet.css
- indigo-pink.css
- deeppurple-amber.css
- cyan-orange.css
- azure-blue.css
main component
constructor() {
const saved_theme = localStorage.getItem('selected-theme');
if( saved_theme ){
- main component
setTheme(theme: string) {
const themeLink = this.renderer.selectRootElement('#theme-link', true);
this.renderer.setAttribute(themeLink, 'href', theme);
localStorage.setItem('selected-theme', theme);