vimch - Vim Bindings for Chromium. This is a fork of cVim (discontinued) and vb4c (archived).
- Manually install the extension from the
releases page on GitHub.
- Download the
file, extract it, and then manually load the extension in chrome.- Go to
- Enable the developer mode toggle.
- Select 'Load Unpacked Extension'
- Navigate to the directory that you unzipped above.
- That's it!
- Go to
- Download the
- Boolean cVimrc settings are enabled with the command
'set' + <SETTING_NAME>
and disabled with the command'set' + no<SETTING_NAME>
(for example,set regexp
andset noregexp
) - Boolean cVimrc settings can be inversed by adding "!" to the end
- Other settings are defined with
used as a separator and are prefixed bylet
(for example,let hintcharacters="abc"
setting | type | description | default |
searchlimit | integer | set the amount of results displayed in the command bar | 25 |
scrollstep | integer | set the amount of pixels scrolled when using the scrollUp and scrollDown commands | 70 |
timeoutlen | integer | The amount of time to wait for a <Leader> mapping in milliseconds |
1000 |
fullpagescrollpercent | integer | set the percent of the page to be scrolled by when using the scrollFullPageUp and scrollFullPageDown commands | 0 |
typelinkhintsdelay | integer | the amount of time (in milliseconds) to wait before taking input after opening a link hint with typelinkhints and numerichints enabled | 300 |
scrollduration | integer | the duration of smooth scrolling | 500 |
vimport | integer | set the port to be used with the editWithVim insert mode command |
8001 |
zoomfactor | integer / double | the step size when zooming the page in/out | 0.1 |
scalehints | boolean | animate link hints as they appear | false |
hud | boolean | show the heads-up-display | true |
regexp | boolean | use regexp in find mode | true |
ignorecase | boolean | ignore search case in find mode | true |
linkanimations | boolean | show fade effect when link hints open and close | false |
numerichints | boolean | use numbers for link hints instead of a set of characters | false |
dimhintcharacters | boolean | dim letter matches in hint characters rather than remove them from the hint | true |
defaultnewtabpage | boolean | use the default chrome://newtab page instead of a blank page | false |
cncpcompletion | boolean | use <C-n> and <C-p> to cycle through completion results (requires you to set the nextCompletionResult keybinding in the chrome://extensions page (bottom right) |
false |
smartcase | boolean | case-insensitive find mode searches except when input contains a capital letter | true |
incsearch | boolean | begin auto-highlighting find mode matches when input length is greater thant two characters | true |
typelinkhints | boolean | (numerichints required) type text in the link to narrow down numeric hints | false |
autohidecursor | boolean | hide the mouse cursor when scrolling (useful for Linux, which doesn't auto-hide the cursor on keydown) | false |
autofocus | boolean | allows websites to automatically focus an input box when they are first loaded | true |
insertmappings | boolean | use insert mappings to navigate the cursor in text boxes (see bindings below) | true |
smoothscroll | boolean | use smooth scrolling | false |
autoupdategist | boolean | if a GitHub Gist is used to sync settings, pull updates every hour (and when Chrome restarts) | false |
nativelinkorder | boolean | Open new tabs like Chrome does rather than next to the currently opened tab | false |
showtabindices | boolean | Display the tab index in the tab's title | false |
sortlinkhints | boolean | Sort link hint lettering by the link's distance from the top-left corner of the page | false |
localconfig | boolean | Read the cVimrc config from configpath (when this is set, you connot save from cVim's options page |
false |
completeonopen | boolean | Automatically show a list of command completions when the command bar is opened | false |
configpath | string | Read the cVimrc from this local file when configpath is set | "" |
changelog | boolean | Auto open the changelog when cVim is updated | true |
completionengines | array of strings | use only the specified search engines | ["google", "duckduckgo", "wikipedia", "amazon"] |
blacklists | array of strings | disable cVim on the sites matching one of the patterns | [] |
mapleader | string | The default <Leader> key |
\ |
defaultengine | string | set the default search engine | "google" |
locale | string | set the locale of the site being completed/searched on (see example configuration below) | "" |
homedirectory | string | the directory to replace ~ when using the file command |
"" |
qmark <alphanumeric charcter> | string | add a persistent QuickMark (e.g. let qmark a = ["", ""] ) |
none |
previousmatchpattern | string (regexp) | the pattern looked for when navigating a page's back button | ((?!last)(prev(ious)?|newer|back|«|less|<|‹| )+) |
nextmatchpattern | string (regexp) | the pattern looked for when navigation a page's next button | ((?!first)(next|older|more|>|›|»|forward| )+) |
hintcharacters | string (alphanumeric) | set the default characters to be used in link hint mode | "asdfgqwertzxcvb" |
barposition | string ["top", "bottom"] | set the default position of the command bar | "top" |
langmap | string | set a list of characters to be remapped (see vims langmap) | "" |
" Settings
set nohud
set nosmoothscroll
set noautofocus " The opposite of autofocus; this setting stops
" sites from focusing on an input box when they load
set typelinkhints
let searchlimit = 30
let scrollstep = 70
let barposition = "bottom"
let locale = "uk" " Current choices are 'jp' and 'uk'. This allows cVim to use sites like
" or to search rather than Support is currently limited.
" Let me know if you need a different locale for one of the completion/search engines
let hintcharacters = "abc123"
let searchengine dogpile = "" " If you leave out the '%s' at the end of the URL,
" your query will be appended to the link.
" Otherwise, your query will replace the '%s'.
" This will do the same thing as above, except typing ':tabnew withbase' into to command bar
" without any search parameters will open ''
let searchengine withbase = ["", ""]
" alias ':g' to ':tabnew google'
command g tabnew google
let completionengines = ["google", "amazon", "imdb", "dogpile"]
let searchalias g = "google" " Create a shortcut for search engines.
" For example, typing ':tabnew g example'
" would act the same way as ':tabnew google example'
" Open all of these in a tab with `gnb` or open one of these with <N>goa where <N>
let qmark a = ["", "", ""]
let blacklists = ["*", "*://*", "@*"]
" blacklists prefixed by '@' act as a whitelist
let mapleader = ","
" Mappings
map <Leader>r reloadTabUncached
map <Leader>x :restore<Space>
" This remaps the default 'j' mapping
map j scrollUp
" You can use <Space>, which is interpreted as a
" literal " " character, to enter buffer completion mode
map gb :buffer<Space>
" This unmaps the default 'k' mapping
unmap k
" This unmaps the default 'h', 'j', 'k', and 'l' mappings
unmap h j k l
" This remaps the default 'f' mapping to the current 'F' mapping
map f F
" Toggle the current HUD display value
map <C-h> :set hud!<CR>
" Switch between alphabetical hint characters and numeric hints
map <C-i> :set numerichints!<CR>
map <C-u> rootFrame
map <M-h> previousTab
map <C-d> scrollPageDown
map <C-e> scrollPageUp
iunmap <C-y>
imap <C-m> deleteWord
" Create a variable that can be used/referenced in the command bar
let @@reddit_prog = ''
let @@top_all = 'top?sort=top&t=all'
let @@top_day = 'top?sort=top&t=day'
" TA binding opens '' in a new tab
map TA :tabnew @@reddit_prog/@@top_all<CR>
map TD :tabnew @@reddit_prog/@@top_day<CR>
" Use paste buffer in mappings
map T :tabnew wikipedia @"<CR>
" Code blocks (see below for more info)
getIP() -> {{
httpRequest({url: '', json: true},
function(res) { Status.setMessage('IP: ' + res.ip); });
" Displays your public IP address in the status bar
map ci :call getIP<CR>
" Script hints
echo(link) -> {{
map <C-f> createScriptHint(echo)
let configpath = '/path/to/your/.cvimrc'
set localconfig " Update settings via a local file (and the `:source` command) rather
" than the default options page in chrome
" As long as localconfig is set in the .cvimrc file. cVim will continue to read
" settings from there
- The blacklists setting uses a custom inplementation of Chrome's @match pattern guidelines. See for a description of the syntax.
- You can enable certain rc settings for sites using the blacklist match pattern as described above
" this will enable the config block below on the domain ''
site '*://**' {
unmap j
unmap k
set numerichints
- In a similar fashion to the site-specific configuration described above, cVim can run commands when a page is loaded with the
" In this case, when pages with a file ending in '.js' are loaded,
" cVim will pin the tab and then scroll down
site '*://*/*.js' {
call :pintab
call scrollDown
- Normal mappings are defined with the following structure:
- Insert mappings use the same structure, but use the command "imap" instead of "map"
- Control, meta, and alt can be used also:
<C-u> " Ctrl + u
<M-u> " Meta + u
<A-u> " Alt + u
- It is also possible to unmap default bindings with
unmap <KEY>
and insert bindings withiunmap <KEY>
- To unmap all default keybindings, use
. To unmap all default insert bindings, useiunmapAll
- Commands that open links (
) have three different properties !
=> Open in a new tab$
=> Open in a new window|
=> Open in an incognito window&
=> Open in a new tab (inactive/unfocused)*
=> Pin the tab?
=> Treat the query as a search=
=> Treat the query as a URL- The use of these properties are best explained with examples:
:open! google<CR> " This is the same as :tabnew google<CR>
:open google!<CR> " This is another way of writing the above
" (these flags can can be added to either
" the base command or the end of the final command)
:open& google<CR> " This will open Google in a new inactive tab
:open$ google<CR> " This will open Google in a new window
:open&* google<CR> " The will open Google in a new inactive, pinned tab
:tabnew google&*<CR> " Once again, this will do the same thing as the above command
:open google&*<CR> " Again, same as above
:open google!& " Here, the & flag will cancel out the ! flag,
" opening Google in a new inactive tab
" More examples
:bookmarks " inactive,new tab
:bookmarks&* " inactive,pinned,new tab
:bookmarks! " new tab
:bookmarks$ " new window
:bookmarks " same tab
- Code blocks allow you to interact with cVim's content scripts via the cVimrc.
- Since code blocks use
, you should only use them if you know what you're doing.
" To be used by the code block
set hintset_a
" Create a code block named switchHintCharacters
switchHintCharacters -> {{
// We are now in JavaScript mode
// Settings are contained in an object named settings
settings.hintset_a = !settings.hintset_a;
if (settings.hintset_a) {
settings.hintcharacters = 'abc'; // equivalent to "let hintcharacters = 'abc'"
} else {
settings.hintcharacters = 'xyz';
// Propagate the current settings to all tabs for the
// rest of the session
PORT('syncSettings', { settings: settings });
// Display cVim's status bar for 2 seconds.
Status.setMessage('Hint Set: ' + (true ? 'a' : 'b'), 2);
" Run the JavaScript block
map <Tab> :call switchHintCharacters<CR>
- These are a list of completion engines that can be used in the command bar. They can be set
by assigning their names to an array with the
variable.- google, wikipedia, youtube, imdb, amazon, google-maps, wolframalpha, google-image, ebay, webster, wictionary, urbandictionary, duckduckgo, answers, google-trends, google-finance, yahoo, bing, themoviedb
- Example usage:
let completionengines = ['google', 'google-image', 'youtube'] " Show only these engines in the command bar
Movement | Mapping name | |
j , s |
scroll down | scrollDown |
k , w |
scroll up | scrollUp |
h |
scroll left | scrollLeft |
l |
scroll right | scrollRight |
d |
scroll half-page down | scrollPageDown |
unmapped | scroll full-page down | scrollFullPageDown |
u , e |
scroll half-page up | scrollPageUp |
unmapped | scroll full-page up | scrollFullPageUp |
gg |
scroll to the top of the page | scrollToTop |
G |
scroll to the bottom of the page | scrollToBottom |
0 |
scroll to the left of the page | scrollToLeft |
$ |
scroll to the right of the page | scrollToRight |
# |
reset the scroll focus to the main page | resetScrollFocus |
gi |
go to first input box | goToInput |
gI |
go to the last focused input box by gi |
goToLastInput |
zz |
center page to current search match (middle) | centerMatchH |
zt |
center page to current search match (top) | centerMatchT |
zb |
center page to current search match (bottom) | centerMatchB |
Link Hints | ||
f |
open link in current tab | createHint |
F |
open link in new tab | createTabbedHint |
unmapped | open link in new tab (active) | createActiveTabbedHint |
W |
open link in new window | createHintWindow |
A |
repeat last hint command | openLastHint |
q |
trigger a hover event (mouseover + mouseenter) | createHoverHint |
Q |
trigger a unhover event (mouseout + mouseleave) | createUnhoverHint |
mf |
open multiple links | createMultiHint |
unmapped | edit text with external editor | createEditHint |
unmapped | call a code block with the link as the first argument | createScriptHint(<FUNCTION_NAME> ) |
unmapped | opens images in a new tab | fullImageHint |
mr |
reverse image search multiple links | multiReverseImage |
mi |
save an image | saveImageHint |
my |
yank multiple links (open the list of links with P) | multiYankUrl |
gy |
copy URL from link to clipboard | yankUrl |
gr |
reverse image search (google images) | reverseImage |
; |
change the link hint focus | |
QuickMarks | ||
M<*> |
create quickmark <*> | addQuickMark |
go<*> |
open quickmark <*> in the current tab | openQuickMark |
gn<*> |
open quickmark <*> in a new tab | openQuickMarkTabbed |
gw<*> |
open quickmark <*> in a new window | openQuickMarkWindowed |
Miscellaneous | ||
a |
alias to ":tabnew google " | :tabnew google |
. |
repeat the last command | repeatCommand |
: |
open command bar | openCommandBar |
/ |
open search bar | openSearchBar |
? |
open search bar (reverse search) | openSearchBarReverse |
unmapped | open link search bar (same as pressing /? ) |
openLinkSearchBar |
I |
search through browser history | :history |
<N>g% |
scroll <N> percent down the page | percentScroll |
<N> unmapped |
pass <N> keys through to the current page |
passKeys |
i |
enter insert mode (escape to exit) | insertMode |
r |
reload the current tab | reloadTab |
gR |
reload the current tab + local cache | reloadTabUncached |
;<*> |
create mark <*> | setMark |
'' |
go to last scroll position | lastScrollPosition |
<C-o> |
go to previous scroll position | previousScrollPosition |
<C-i> |
go to next scroll position | nextScrollPosition |
'<*> |
go to mark <*> | goToMark |
cm |
mute/unmute a tab | muteTab |
none | reload all tabs | reloadAllTabs |
cr |
reload all tabs but current | reloadAllButCurrent |
zi |
zoom page in | zoomPageIn |
zo |
zoom page out | zoomPageOut |
z0 |
zoom page to original size | zoomOrig |
z<Enter> |
toggle image zoom (same as clicking the image on image-only pages) | toggleImageZoom |
gd |
alias to :chrome://downloads<CR> | :chrome://downloads<CR> |
ge |
alias to :chrome://extensions<CR> | :chrome://extensions<CR> |
yy |
copy the URL of the current page to the clipboard | yankDocumentUrl |
yY |
copy the URL of the current frame to the clipboard | yankRootUrl |
ya |
copy the URLs in the current window | yankWindowUrls |
yh |
copy the currently matched text from find mode (if any) | yankHighlight |
b |
search through bookmarks | :bookmarks |
p |
open the clipboard selection | openPaste |
P |
open the clipboard selection in a new tab | openPasteTab |
gj |
hide the download shelf | hideDownloadsShelf |
gf |
cycle through iframes | nextFrame |
gF |
go to the root frame | rootFrame |
gq |
stop the current tab from loading | cancelWebRequest |
gQ |
stop all tabs from loading | cancelAllWebRequests |
gu |
go up one path in the URL | goUpUrl |
gU |
go to to the base URL | goToRootUrl |
gs |
go to the view-source:// page for the current Url | :viewsource! |
<C-b> |
create or toggle a bookmark for the current URL | createBookmark |
unmapped | close all browser windows | quitChrome |
g- |
decrement the first number in the URL path (e.g => ) |
decrementURLPath |
g+ |
increment the first number in the URL path | incrementURLPath |
Tab Navigation | ||
gt , K , R |
navigate to the next tab | nextTab |
gT , J , E |
navigate to the previous tab | previousTab |
g0 , g$ |
go to the first/last tab | firstTab, lastTab |
<C-S-h> , gh |
open the last URL in the current tab's history in a new tab | openLastLinkInTab |
<C-S-l> , gl |
open the next URL from the current tab's history in a new tab | openNextLinkInTab |
x |
close the current tab | closeTab |
gxT |
close the tab to the left of the current tab | closeTabLeft |
gxt |
close the tab to the right of the current tab | closeTabRight |
gx0 |
close all tabs to the left of the current tab | closeTabsToLeft |
gx$ |
close all tabs to the right of the current tab | closeTabsToRight |
g' |
go to the last active tab | lastActiveTab |
X |
open the last closed tab | lastClosedTab |
t |
:tabnew | :tabnew |
T |
:tabnew <CURRENT URL> | :tabnew @% |
O |
:open <CURRENT URL> | :open @% |
<N>% |
switch to tab <N> | goToTab |
H , S |
go back | goBack |
L , D |
go forward | goForward |
B |
search for another active tab | :buffer |
< |
move current tab left | moveTabLeft |
> |
move current tab right | moveTabRight |
]] |
click the "next" link on the page (see nextmatchpattern above) | nextMatchPattern |
[[ |
click the "back" link on the page (see previousmatchpattern above) | previousMatchPattern |
gp |
pin/unpin the current tab | pinTab |
<C-6> |
toggle the focus between the last used tabs | lastUsedTab |
Find Mode | ||
n |
next search result | nextSearchResult |
N |
previous search result | previousSearchResult |
v |
enter visual/caret mode (highlight current search/selection) | toggleVisualMode |
V |
enter visual line mode from caret mode/currently highlighted search | toggleVisualLineMode |
unmapped | clear search mode highlighting | clearSearchHighlight |
Visual/Caret Mode | ||
<Esc> |
exit visual mode to caret mode/exit caret mode to normal mode | |
v |
toggle between visual/caret mode | |
h , j , k , l |
move the caret position/extend the visual selection | |
y |
copys the current selection | |
n |
select the next search result | |
N |
select the previous search result | |
p |
open highlighted text in current tab | |
P |
open highlighted text in new tab | |
Text boxes | ||
<C-i> |
move cursor to the beginning of the line | beginningOfLine |
<C-e> |
move cursor to the end of the line | endOfLine |
<C-u> |
delete to the beginning of the line | deleteToBeginning |
<C-o> |
delete to the end of the line | deleteToEnd |
<C-y> |
delete back one word | deleteWord |
<C-p> |
delete forward one word | deleteForwardWord |
unmapped | delete back one character | deleteChar |
unmapped | delete forward one character | deleteForwardChar |
<C-h> |
move cursor back one word | backwardWord |
<C-l> |
move cursor forward one word | forwardWord |
<C-f> |
move cursor forward one letter | forwardChar |
<C-b> |
move cursor back one letter | backwardChar |
<C-j> |
move cursor forward one line | forwardLine |
<C-k> |
move cursor back one line | backwardLine |
unmapped | select input text (equivalent to <C-a> ) |
selectAll |
unmapped | edit with Vim in a terminal (need the script running for this to work and the VIM_COMMAND set inside that script) | editWithVim |
Command | Description |
:tabnew (autocomplete) | open a new tab with the typed/completed search |
:new (autocomplete) | open a new window with the typed/completed search |
:open (autocomplete) | open the typed/completed URL/google search |
:history (autocomplete) | search through browser history |
:bookmarks (autocomplete) | search through bookmarks |
:bookmarks /<folder> (autocomplete) | browse bookmarks by folder/open all bookmarks from folder |
:set (autocomplete) | temporarily change a cVim setting |
:chrome:// (autocomplete) | open a chrome:// URL |
:tabhistory (autocomplete) | browse the different history states of the current tab |
:command <NAME> <ACTION> |
aliases :<NAME> to :<ACTION> |
:quit | close the current tab |
:qall | close the current window |
:restore (autocomplete) | restore a previously closed tab (newer versions of Chrome only) |
:tabattach (autocomplete) | move the current tab to another open window |
:tabdetach | move the current tab to a new window |
:file (autocomplete) | open a local file |
:source (autocomplete) | load a cVimrc file into memory (this will overwrite the settings in the options page if the localconfig setting had been set previously |
:duplicate | duplicate the current tab |
:settings | open the settings page |
:nohlsearch | clear the highlighted text from the last search |
:execute | execute a sequence of keys (Useful for mappings. For example, "map j :execute 2j") |
:buffer (autocomplete) | change to a different tab |
:mksession | create a new session from the current tabs in the active window |
:delsession (autocomplete) | delete a saved session |
:session (autocomplete) | open the tabs from a saved session in a new window |
:script | run JavaScript on the current page |
:togglepin | toggle the pin state of the current tab |
:pintab | pin the current tab |
:unpintab | unpin the current tab |
- You can use
in "open" commands to specify the current URL. For example,:open @%
would essentially refresh the current page. - Prepend a number to the command to repeat that command N times
- Use the up/down arrows in command/find mode to navigate through previously
executed commands/searches -- you can also use this to search for previously
executed commands starting with a certain combination of letters (for example,
in the command bar and pressing the up arrow will search command history for all matches beginning withta
- Run
npm install
in the repository's root folder - Run
- Navigate to
- Toggle into Developer Mode
- Click on "Load Unpacked Extension..."
- Select the vb4c directory.
- Implement tab splitting keybindings for Vivaldi
- Modernize codebase with ES6 (long term)
This is a fork of Jake Eaton's cVim.
To understand why this fork was created, please see the discussion on the relevant GitHub Issue.