Utility extensions for solidity smart contracts
Below is the only contract extension made available at the moment. More are planned for later.
It randomly generates number IDs. It can be used to assign token IDs for a random mint.
// Step 1. Import the RandomIDsGenerator contract
import "@aztemi/solidity-utils/contracts/RandomIDsGenerator.sol";
// Step 2. Derive your contract from it
contract MyContract is RandomIDsGenerator {
uint256 constant NFT_MAX_SUPPLY = 1000;
// Step 3. Initialize with the max amount of IDs supply
constructor() RandomIDsGenerator(NFT_MAX_SUPPLY) {}
function getRandomTokenID() public returns (uint256) {
// Step 4. Generate next random ID
uint256 tokenId = _nextID();
return tokenId;
// No of NFTs available for minting
function availableSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
// Step 5 (Optional). Get number of IDs remaining
return _remainingSupply();
// No of NFTs already minted
function mintedSupply() public view returns (uint256) {
return NFT_MAX_SUPPLY - _remainingSupply();
// Total number of NFTs
function maxSupply() public pure returns (uint256) {