In some cases you need to create cache from some functions, but it should be updated each time cell of ipython notebook is started to run. For example you have functions, that made some SQL query to database, but you don't want to make same queries for many time while running some code in one cell, but you know, that data in database can be updated, when you'll run cell for next time. In this case you create cachable function, which is calculated each time the cell is running. With this module you can use decorator for cachable methods in class and standalone functions, running in current Jupyter Notebook cell or python application.
import timeit
from time import sleep
import ipython_cell_cache
ipython_cell_cache.In = In
def my_test(a: int):
return a
Let's see measures of timeit
import timeit
for _ in range(5):
action_time=timeit.timeit("my_test(1)", number =1 ,globals=globals())
print(f"action time is {action_time:.5f} second")
action time is 5.00095 second
action time is 0.00002 second
action time is 0.00001 second
action time is 0.00001 second
action time is 0.00001 second
If you'll run the cell again, function will be calculated once again but only one time the output will be the same. Output:
action time is 5.00095 second
action time is 0.00002 second
action time is 0.00001 second
action time is 0.00001 second
action time is 0.00001 second
For class method use cache_method_for_cell
like in above example.
import ipython_cell_cache
from time import sleep
ipython_cell_cache.In = In
class myclass:
def main(self, a):
return a
This code mostly took from functools utils.