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amir zamani edited this page Aug 5, 2016 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the mbedcrypto wiki!

#mbedcrypto mbedcrypto is a portable, small, easy to use, feature rich and fast c++14 library for cryptography based on fantastic and clean mbedtls.

a sister project for Qt5 developers is available as qpolarssl, although mbedcrypto is newer and has more features with smaller footprint and can be configured to support QByteArray through the api.

features and highlights

  • small size: the mbedcrypto is less than 250KB in size (as single shared library and stripped under Linux and OS X) with all predefined algorithms. it can be easily embedded into your service or application.
  • easy to use: although cryptography is complex and complicated, mbedcrypto hides most of the complexities, tries to be easy to use and hard to misuse.
  • portable: needs an standard c++14 compiler and compliant stl, compiled and tested by:
    • g++ 5.x+ / 6+ under linux
    • clang 3.6+ under os x
    • mingw 5.x+ under msys2 (windows 8.1)
    • msvc 2015 community edition under windows 7
  • low dependency:
    • the mbedtls as underlying cryptography engine, is the only mandatory dependency.
    • catch: only for unit testing.
    • cmake for building the library and the unit test app.
  • high+low level: both high level (c++ objects / exception) and low level (c pointer / error code) functions are available.
  • highly configurable: to add or remove the algorithms, simply change cmake build options. see [setup and build options] (
  • optional suppport for Qt5: optional support for Qt5's QByteArray is also available.