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Migrate from Version 4 to 5

Norbert Bietsch edited this page Sep 23, 2016 · 4 revisions

The major changes are the following:

  • Instead of using System.Net.Mail in version 4, version 5 uses MailKit and MimeKit.
  • Instead of TextVariableManager the SmartFormat.Net library is used
  • Instead of HtmlAgilityPack now Anglesharp is used

In order to migrate to version 5.0.0 the easiest way is:

  • Remove any references to MailMergeLib version 4 and System.Net.Mail
  • Add a reference to MailMergeLib version 5, MailKit and MimeKit
  • You will get a bunch of compiler errors. Resolve them using the following table to find the counterparts for class properties and methods in version 5.

Together with the examples in the Wiki or the UnitTests you will be able to fix any remaining code issues. This migration guide refers to versions 4.0.3 and 5.0.0.


MailMergeSender v4 MailMergeSender v5.0.0
using MailMergeLib;
using System.Net.Mail;
using MailMergeLib;
using MailKit;
using MimeKit;
SendAllAsync(MailMergeMessage mailMergeMessage) Task SendAsync<T>(MailMergeMessage mailMergeMessage, IEnumerable<T> dataSource)
SendAsync(MailMergeMessage mailMergeMessage) Task SendAsync(MailMergeMessage mailMergeMessage, object dataItem)
SendAll(MailMergeMessage mailMergeMessage) Send<T>(MailMergeMessage mailMergeMessage, IEnumerable<T> dataSource)
Send(MailMergeMessage mailMergeMessage) Send(MailMergeMessage mailMergeMessage, object dataItem)
SendCancel() SendCancel(int waitTime = 0);
OnBeforeSend OnBeforeSend
OnAfterSend OnAfterSend
OnSendFailure OnSendFailure
OnMergeBegin OnMergeBegin
OnMergeProgress OnMergeProgress
OnMergeComplete OnMergeComplete
Dispose() Dispose()
n/a EventHandler<MailMessageFailureEventArgs> OnMessageFailure
n/a IsBusy
ReadySent n/a – use IsBusy
ReadyMerged n/a – use IsBusy
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SenderConfig /
n/a MaxNumOfSmtpClients
n/a SmtpClientConfig[] SmtpClientConfig
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SenderConfig / SmtpClientContig /
n/a ReadSmtpConfigurationFromWebConfig()
SmtpHost SmtpHost
SmtpPort SmtpPort
LocalHostName ClientDomain
MailOutputDirectory MailOutputDirectory
MessageOutput MessageOutput
EnableSsl SecureSocketOptions SecureSocketOptions
UseDefaultCredentials Credential NetworkCredential is used when set and the SMTP server requires it
n/a IPEndPoint LocalEndPoint
n/a RemoteCertificateValidationCallback ServerCertificateValidationCallback
Timeout Timeout
MaxFailures MaxFailures
RetryDelayTime RetryDelayTime
DelayBetweenMessages DelayBetweenMessages
SetSmtpAuthentification() Credential NetworkCredential
n/a – SMTP Logging IProtocolLogger GetProtocolLogger()
n/a – SMTP Logging LogOutputDirectory
n/a – SMTP Logging EnableLogOutput


MailMergeMessage v4 MailMergeMessage v5.0.0
using MailMergeLib;
using System.Net.Mail;
using MailMergeLib;
using MailKit;
using MimeKit;
Subject Subject
PlainText PlainText
HtmlText HtmlText
DataSource n/a – no more BindingSource from System.Windows.Forms
DataMember n/a – no more BindingSource from System.Windows.Forms
CurrentDataItem n/a – no more BindingSource from System.Windows.Forms
DataItemCount n/a – no more BindingSource from System.Windows.Forms
CurrentDataPosition n/a – no more BindingSource from System.Windows.Forms
OnDataChanged n/a – no more BindingSource from System.Windows.Forms
GetBindingSource() n/a – no more BindingSource from System.Windows.Forms
FileAttachments FileAttachments
StreamAttachments StreamAttachments
InlineAttachments InlineAttachments
StringAttachments StringAttachments
MailMergeAddresses MailMergeAddresses
Headers HeaderList Headers
DeliveryNotificationOptions n/a
Dispose() Dispose()
// using HtmlAgilityPack;
ConvertHtmlToPlainText(IHtmlConverter converter)
// using AngleSharp;
ConvertHtmlToPlainText(IHtmlConverter converter)
GetTextVariableManager() MailSmartFormatter SmartFormatter
SetVariables(Dictionary<string, string> vars) n/a
MailMessageGetMailMessage() MimeMessage GetMimeMessage(object dataItem = default(object))
AddExternalInlineAttachment(FileAttachment att) AddExternalInlineAttachment(FileAttachment att)
ClearExternalInlineAttachment() ClearExternalInlineAttachment()
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MessageConfig /
TextTransferEncoding ContentEncoding TextTransferEncoding
BinaryTransferEncoding ContentEncoding BinaryTransferEncoding
CharacterEncoding CharacterEncoding
CultureInfo CultureInfo
FileBaseDir FileBaseDirectory
IgnoreEmptyRecipientAddr IgnoreIllegalRecipientAddresses
Priority MessagePriority Priority
n/a MailboxAddress StandardFromAddress
n/a Organization
Xmailer Xmailer
n/a MessageConfig / SmartFormatterConfig
n/a ParseErrorAction
n/a FormatErrorAction


MailMergeAddress v4 MailMergeAddress v5.0.0
using MailMergeLib;
using System.Net.Mail;
using MailMergeLib;
using MailKit;
using MimeKit;
var mmm = new MailMergeMessage(); mmm.MailMergeAddresses.Add(newMailMergeAddress(MailAddressType.To, " [email protected]", " name ")); var mmm = new MailMergeMessage();
// sequence of name and email changed, following
// common convention
mmm.MailMergeAddresses.Add(newMailMergeAddress(MailAddressType.To, "name", "[email protected]"));