Project to create a watchlist of movies and tv shows, allows search for media and displays streaming sources. Watchlist media can be filtered on the front end.
Create an Ubuntu 16.04 box with an ubuntu
user with sudo privileges
Local - set the ansible_ssh_host
variable in the inventory
$ cd media-search/config/
$ vim inventory
Local - allow ssh to store key for ansible to use
$ ssh-agent bash
$ ssh-add /path/to/private/key
Local - test connection, then use ansible to configure the remote Ubuntu box
$ ansible myhost -i inventory -m shell -a "pwd"
$ ansible-playbook -i inventory site.yml --ask-become-pass
Remote - copy config and creds, and edit to change secret key and add credentials, then reboot
$ cp ~/media-search/config/ ~/media-search/
$ cp ~/media-search/config/creds.json ~/media-search/creds.json
$ sudo reboot
Remote - follow Let's Encrypt instructions
Linux, Nginx/Gunicorn, MongoDB, Python/Flask
- Webserver + framework: Nginx/Gunicorn, Python/Flask
- Database: MongoDB
- DevOps: AWS, Ansible, ufw, fail2ban
- Other tools: flash messaging, wtforms, jinja, logging, REST API
- Dev Environment: Ubuntu, vim/tmux, github
- JavaScript framework: VueJS
- UI Presentation: Bootstrap, some custom CSS