poetry install
should do it. You may need to install SciPy dependencies
(LAPACK, BLAS) separately.
dewalnay.py -w 1920 -h 1080 -l '#c8a2c8' -r '#8c0035' -a 30 dewalnay.png
usage: dewalnay.py [--help] [-w W] [-h H] [-n N] [-l #RRGGBB] [-r #RRGGBB]
[-a ANGLE] [--min-value MIN_VALUE] [--max-value MAX_VALUE]
[--fuzz FUZZ] [--border-pts N] [--max-force MAX_FORCE]
[--epsilon EPSILON]
Generate a wallpaper using Delaunay triangulation
positional arguments:
outfile the image to be written (default: 'out.png')
optional arguments:
--help show this help message and exit
-w W, --width W image width in pixels (default: 1920)
-h H, --height H image height in pixels (default: 1080)
-n N, --num-pts N number of interior points (default: 50)
-l #RRGGBB, --left-color #RRGGBB
hexcode for left color (default: #000000)
-r #RRGGBB, --right-color #RRGGBB
hexcode for right color (default: #ffffff)
-a ANGLE, --angle ANGLE
angle to rotate gradient CCW in degrees (default: 0)
--min-value MIN_VALUE
minimum greyscale value (default: 15)
--max-value MAX_VALUE
maximum greyscale value (default: 240)
--fuzz FUZZ radius of interval of possible greyscale values
(default: 32)
--border-pts N number of points added to each border line (default:
--max-force MAX_FORCE
max magnitude of net Coulomb force on a point
(default: 3)
--epsilon EPSILON Coulomb proportionality constant (default: 100000)