This repository aims to bring some useful extensions for compose-multiplatform projects, which are self-contained and allow to deploy compose applications to Android, iOS and Desktop platforms.
Select the extension that you find useful in your project and put
into your commonMain
source set's dependencies block, where extension-name
should be replaced with the
proper name from the list of available extensions.
See some example in examples project, where every extension is added in build.gradle.kts.
- calendar compose implementation migrated to Kotlin Multiplatform from ComposeCalendar. See sample usage here.implementation("in.procyk.compose:calendar:")
- detecting QR codes camera view. See sample usage here.implementation("in.procyk.compose:camera-qr:")
for Android Application add to AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/> <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>
for iOS Application add
Privacy - Camera Usage Description
entry to Info.plist<key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key> <string></string>
for Desktop Application add to build.gradle.kts
runtimeEntitlementsFile.set(project.file("runtime-entitlements.plist")) infoPlist { extraKeysRawXml = """ <key>NSCameraUsageDescription</key> <string></string> """.trimIndent() }
to your
macOS { ... }
block and include runtime-entitlements.plist in your project source files
- ask for camera permission. See sample usage here.implementation("in.procyk.compose:camera-permission:")
- handy functions to work with compose. Explore the directory to see what cool features are available.implementation("in.procyk.compose:util:")