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My portfolio of examples, modules and tools.



Singleton: Four different implementations of the singleton pattern:

  • SingletonPOCO: Just a simple C# object.
  • SingletonComponent: A MonoBehaviour that can be used as component.
  • SingleInstance: A MonoBehaviour without lazy initialization.
  • SingletonAsset: A singleton that is instanced as an asset. Must be stored in the Resources folder.
abstract class SingletonPOCO<T> where T : new()
abstract class SingletonComponent<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoBehaviour
abstract class SingletonAsset<T> : ScriptableObject where T : ScriptableObject
abstract class SingleInstance<T> : MonoBehaviour where T : MonoBehaviour

Tasker: Implement and instantiate one or more ITask objects. Instantiate the Tasker, provide a StartTask and then Enqueue your Tasks. Call Update, Enqueue and Insert to manage.

Updater: Instantiate the IUpdater interface, and then call Tools.Update with it.


struct CounterFloat, struct CounterInt // Set a threshold and count.
struct CounterIntWithChance // Count up to the threshold, and then there's a chance to trigger.
struct Optional<T> // Make a type nullable, without making it nullable. 

Optional source is aarthificial.



class ArrayAssetLocator<T> where T : UnityEngine.Object
class DictionaryAssetLocator<T> where T : UnityEngine.Object
// T is the Type of asset to load
// Dictionary and Array is the structure where they will be stored
  1. First pass the AssetLabelReference to Load.
    • Check for exceptions: NullReferenceException: If the AssetLocator was null.
    • You can provide an Enum to check the validity of the Array version.
  2. When async operations have finished, retrieve with self property (this).
  3. Call Unload to Release Addressable references.


class AssetReferenceLoader // C# class
class AssetReferenceLoaderComponent : MonoBehaviour // MonoBehaviour
// The MonoBehaviour is just a wrapper for the C# class.
  1. Provide an AssetLabelReference.
    • Optional: Provide a validateNumber to check if the number of assets loaded was correct.
  2. Call Load.
    • Check for exceptions: AssetException if operation failed, or if the validateNumber wasn't correct.
  3. When async operations have finished, retrieve with self property (this).
  4. Call Unload to Release Addressable references.

Plugins/Odin Editor Windows

Depends on the paid plugin Sirenix Odin.

  • Window_Build: A window to help make Builds easily and cleanly. Implements 'AutumnYard/Tools/Build'.
  • Window_DataAssets: A window to manage the ScriptableObjects of the project.
  • Window_Tools: A window to manage the whole game, all systems, data and state can be managed from here. Provides a unified interface for all the ScriptableObject singletons, indexes all the ScriptableObjects that contain data and configurations, and provides methods to set the state of the game however the user wants.

Other plugins

  • CSVReader: A wrapper for a downloaded CSVSerializer script. See Sources and Disclaimers for more info.
  • InputSystem: Contains the autogenerated scripts for the InputActionMaps of the official Unity Input System.
  • SimpleJSON: Base SimpleJSON, with a Unity add-on and some more methods of mine.
  • DOTween
  • LeanTween

System specific plugins

  • NintendoSwitch: Implements IO File operations specific to Windows.
  • SonyPlaystation4: Implements IO File operations specific to Windows.
  • Steam: SteamManager is the Singleton object that manages connections to Steam API.
  • Windows: Implements IO File operations specific to Windows.


  • Benchmarking: Instantiate BenchmarksHandler and create Benchmarks within. Alternatively, implement your own IBenchmark. Provide the logging module where you want to output to.
  • Build: BuildTools implements all the methods necessary to make a customized build with code. BuildConfiguration stores all the data necessary.
    • This can be implemented in a window: AutumnYard/Plugins/OdinEditorWindow/Window_Build
    • It can also be implemented in CLI: AutumnYard/Tools/CLI/CLI_Build
  • CLI: For now it only has CLI_Build that implements Tools/Build
  • Command: Command design pattern implementation, inspired by Infallible Code and Jason Weimann
  • IO: Two modules
    • File: Provides all the methods necessary for Input/Output into files. This is a partial class, extended by the plugins for each system: Plugins/NintendoSwitch, Plugins/SonyPlaystation4, etc.
    • IPersistence and IPersistenceChild: The interfaces to implement save states. For a parent that saves itself, and a child that only passes forth its serialization.
  • Logging: An ILogger that can be filtered with an Enum. I provide an example enum in LogFilterEnum.
  • Scene Management. There are two parts:
    • SceneLoaders: Implement ISceneLoader. There are two implementations provided: SceneInBuild and SceneInAddressables. The first one can handle loading one or multiple scenes to load.
    • Handlers: Handle the SceneLoaders. Provided DictOfScenesHandler.
  • Screenshot Maker: Wrapper for Unity's built-in module ScreenCapture
  • Terminal: A command terminal taken from stillwwater in github


still not brought here Picture


still not brought here TDD Interactable


still not brought here TDD Interactable


  • There's an intended codependency between Plugins/Scene and Addressables, because SceneInAddressablesLoader uses both. I decided to keep it in Plugins/Scene.

Sources and Acknowledgements

Third Party Plugins:

Official Unity plugins:

  • Addressables
  • Input System
  • Localization

Official Unity built-in modules:

  • Screen Capture


  • CSVSerializer: I can't find the source anymore. I guess I downloaded it from the Unity Asset Store, but it was removed from over there. The link I found is, but it doesn't work anymore. Used in Scripts/Plugins/CSVReader.
  • Command pattern implementation inspired by Infallible Code and Jason Weimann, who was inspired by Robert Nystrom's Game Patterns.
  • Command Terminal implementation source is stillwwater, link to the github repository, he acknowledges he based it on Jonathan Blow's implementation in his own programming language. So thank you to the both of you!


My portfolio of examples







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