Mongoose archive plugin.
Yet another softdelete plugin, but with this one you will not be querying archived documents by default.
Adds archive([callback])
and restore([callback])
methods to the documents.
If archive
or restore
may be called without callback if used with Mongoose 4.x.
In this case, they will return a Promise.
creates archivedAt
property with timestamp of the moment
when the method was called.
removes archivedAt
Plugin also patches find
, findOne
, findOneAndRemove
and findOneAndUpdate
methods to add { archivedAt: { $exists: false } }
to the query object in case
condition for archivedAt
wasn't specified. This way you will not be querying
archived documents (unless you specified archivedAt condition by yourself) as
they were actually removed.
npm install mongoose-archive
Just require and register plugin for a desired Schema.
import mongooseArchive from 'mongoose-archive';
After, you can call archive
and restore
methods on your Model instances.
// instance will not be queriable with Model.find(), unless you will be querying
// archived documents by specifying proper archivedAt filter
// now the document was "restored" from archive
// to query archived documents simply add { archivedAt: { $exists: true } } to your query