✏️ Note: The documentation is close to completion but is still a working progress. If you have any issues with the documentation, please open a new issue in this repository for it to be reviewed. Thank you!
Here you will find how to support and extend Auto Load Next Post in various different ways filled in the detail for first time users and more experienced users alike.
By the end of the documentation, you'll know how to setup, control and customize Auto Load Next Post on your own WordPress website.
P.S. If you are using Auto Load Next Post on WordPress.com please let me know if you run into any issues or can share any feedback as to support WordPress.com users better. Thank you.
The documentation is written in English specifically (en_US).
Documenation in other languages will be listed here when they become available.
If you would like to help translate the documentation in another language then all you have to do is follow the contribution instructions below.
Language | Link |
English (United States) | View |
If you would like to help improve the documentation, translate it into another language or simply see a phrase or spelling mistake, then I look forward to your contributions.
If you are translating the documentation, please make sure that you place your translated documentation in a new folder labeled with the correct WordPress locale code. For example create a folder labelled fr_FR
if you are translating the documentation into French.
- Fork the repository on GitHub.
- Fetch your forked repository to your computer.
- Make the changes to your fork repository.
- Commit your changes or additions to your forked repo.
- Push the changes to your fork and submit a pull request to the
branch of the Auto Load Next Post documentation repository.
At this point you're waiting on me to merge your pull request. I'll review all pull requests, and make suggestions and changes if necessary.