This is a simple npm wrapper for the Eat Street API. So far I have only added the restaurant/menu endpoints. I will add more as I get there, or feel free to Submit a PR
Basic Usage Setup your params object with required and optional parameters and pass them and a callback to a method.
npm install eatstreet --save
var EatStreet = require('eatstreet');
var ES = new EatStreet("{yourAPIKey}");
Search Restaurants:
/** * Searches EatStreet for restaurants. * * * `params` is an Object in the form: * { * address: String // Street Address to Search. * lat: Number // Lattitude to Search. * long: Number // Longitude to Search. * method: String // Delivery, Pickup, Both * radius: Number // Radius to Search. * search: String // Query to find keywords. * } * * @param {Object} params options object (described above). * @param {cb} callback callback in the form: function (err, response) */ var params = { address: 'Madison, WI', // Street Address to Search. } ES.SearchRestaurants(params, function(err, res){ if(err){ console.log(err); } console.log(res['restaurants'][0]); });
Restaurant Details:
/** * Gets full details for a specific restaurant. * * * `params` is an Object in the form: * { * apiKey: String // apiKey gained from SearchRestaurants * address: String // Street address to determine delivery information. * lat: Number // Lattitude to determine delivery information. * long: Number // Longitude to determine delivery information. * } * * @param {Object} params options object (described above). * @param {cb} callback callback in the form: function (err, response) */ var params = { apiKey: '4e1ac3797e396198459c89af9c680205d30b6aeaa238f8d1', customizations: true } /* Get Restaurant Details */ ES.RestaurantDetails(params, function(err, res){ if(err){ console.log(err); } console.log(res); });
Restaurant Menu:
/** * Gets full menu for a specific restaurant. * * * `params` is an Object in the form: * { * apiKey: String // apiKey gained from SearchRestaurants * customizations: Boolean // Street address to determine delivery information. * } * * @param {Object} params options object (described above). * @param {cb} callback callback in the form: function (err, response) */ var params = { apiKey: '4e1ac3797e396198459c89af9c680205d30b6aeaa238f8d1', customizations: true } ES.RestaurantMenu(params, function(err, res){ if(err){ console.log(err); } res.forEach(function(menuSection){ menuSection['items'].forEach(function(menuItem){ console.log(menuItem); }); }); });
Item Customizations:
/** * Gets item customizations for a specific menu item. * * * `params` is an Object in the form: * { * apiKey: String // apiKey gained from SearchRestaurants * } * * @param {Object} params options object (described above). * @param {cb} callback callback in the form: function (err, response) */ /* Get a Menu Item Customizations */ var params = { apiKey: '6771808' } ES.ItemCustomizations(params, function(err, res){ if(err){ console.log(err); } console.log(res); });