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Recotrax is a content based reccomendation system made with python.
It uses the spotify dataset to screen through tens of thousands of songs and provide you with the songs you like. Its reccommendations will be based on the songs and music artists you select.
- Python
- Flask
- Heroku
- Ajax
- Basic (Numpy, pandas, json, sys)
- pyarrow (make light-weight feather file)
- sklearn
- TfidfVectorizer
- cosine_similarity
- MinMaxScaler
- flask
No installation or download required. It is a web app supported on any generally used web browser
Pictures are given in accordance to desktop users. Mobile users could easily follow along with the same steps.
When the site loads, you''ll see a page like this.
You will be served with a random list of 16 very popular songs
If you like any song simply click on it.
Your selected song will come up on the upper bar and you will be provided more songs which are similar to your selected song.
The parameters used for finding similarity between songs is discussed well in Working of project section.
More the number of songs you select, better will be the final prediction.
When you have selected enough songs, click the button on the bottom right corner.
The final result will give you the music artists you should listen to.
The result artists is divided into 2 categories.
- You have listened to few of their songs. You should check out more of their works
- Artists you have never listened to, whom you should definitely check out
Song reccomendations are right on your screen. Any song which is reccommended to you and you didn't click are the ones which carry a similar trait to one or multiple songs you've chosen.
After basic feature engineering like removing duplicates and one hot encoding of a few columns of the spotify dataset, we build a complete feature set of all songs with each song having encoded values for genre, popularity and year of release.
TFIDF is used for encoding the genre. You can read about it in References. Using a table is created of shape (170653, 3071).
After a few manipulations with genre combinations and filtering out the rows with very low popularity, the shape of feature set is brought down to (688, 163).
Now, we put the spotify dataset and the feature set into a feather file (CSV file has high load time and memory consumption, thus not used)
If you want to check the feature engineering part. Check the 1Featured.ipynb
file in this repo.
We are good to go to the reccommendation part.
We use 3 functions to carry out the entire creating reccommendation process
def createPlaylist(id_list, spotify_df):
idDF = pd.DataFrame({'id':[],'name':[],'artists':[],'url':[],'date_added':[]})
for id in id_list:
artistName = spotify_df[spotify_df['id'] == id]['artists_upd_v1'].iloc[0]
songName = spotify_df[spotify_df['id'] == id]['name'].values[0]
imageId = spotify_df[spotify_df['id'] == id]['url'].values[0]
newRow = {'id':id,'name':songName,'artists':artistName,'url':imageId,
'date_added':pd.to_datetime('2021-04-27 08:09:52+00:00')}
idDF = idDF.append(newRow,ignore_index=True)
return idDF
Next, we create a cosine similarity vector with the help of the playlist dataset playlist_df
. Weight factor is kept 1.09
def generate_playlist_feature(complete_feature_set, playlist_df, weight_factor):
complete_feature_set_playlist = complete_feature_set[complete_feature_set['id'].isin(playlist_df['id'].values)]#.drop('id', axis = 1).mean(axis =0)
complete_feature_set_playlist = complete_feature_set_playlist.merge(playlist_df[['id','date_added']], on = 'id', how = 'inner')
complete_feature_set_nonplaylist = complete_feature_set[~complete_feature_set['id'].isin(playlist_df['id'].values)]#.drop('id', axis = 1)
playlist_feature_set = complete_feature_set_playlist.sort_values('date_added',ascending=False)
most_recent_date = playlist_feature_set.iloc[0,-1]
for ix, row in playlist_feature_set.iterrows():
playlist_feature_set.loc[ix,'months_from_recent'] = int((most_recent_date.to_pydatetime() - row.iloc[-1].to_pydatetime()).days / 30)
playlist_feature_set['weight'] = playlist_feature_set['months_from_recent'].apply(lambda x: weight_factor ** (-x))
playlist_feature_set_weighted = playlist_feature_set.copy()
playlist_feature_set_weighted_final = playlist_feature_set_weighted.iloc[:, :-4]
#playlist_feature_set_weighted_final['id'] = playlist_feature_set['id']
return playlist_feature_set_weighted_final.sum(axis = 0), complete_feature_set_nonplaylist
Now, the real deal is this function which uses the cosine similarity vector to find recommendations and returns the top 10 recommendations.
Also, I made a small function remove_same_tracks()
which removes tracks which are already recommended in the past.
def remove_same_tracks(recos, chosen):
l = []
for i in range(50):
if recos.iloc[i]['id'] in chosen:
recos.drop(l, inplace=True)
return recos
def generate_playlist_recos(spotify_df, features, feature_set, chosen):
recos = spotify_df[spotify_df['id'].isin(feature_set['id'].values)]
recos['sim'] = cosine_similarity(feature_set.drop('id', axis = 1).values, features.values.reshape(1, -1))[:,0]
recos_top = recos.sort_values('sim',ascending = False).head(50)
recos_top = remove_same_tracks(recos_top, chosen)
recos_top = recos_top.drop_duplicates("artists").head(10)
recos_top['artists'] = recos_top['artists'].apply(ast.literal_eval)
recos_top['url'] = recos_top['id'].apply(lambda x: spotify_df[spotify_df['id'] == x]['url'].values[0])
recos_top = recos_top[['id','name','artists','url']]
return recos_top
I wouldn't be showing the redundant portion which is same for building any flask app.
If you want to check the full flask app code, check
file in my github repo.
First, the feature engineered dataframe (spotify dataset and complete feature set dataset) is loaded
app = Flask(__name__)
spotify_df = pd.read_feather('spotify_df_low.feather')
complete_feature_set = pd.read_feather('cfs_final.feather')
default_date = pd.to_datetime('2021-04-27 08:09:52+00:00')
recos = pd.DataFrame()
def show():
global recos
id_list = []
chosen = request.form['chosen'].split(",")
selected = createPlaylist(id_list,spotify_df,2)
feature_vector, feature_set = generate_playlist_feature(complete_feature_set, selected, 1.09)
new_recos = generate_playlist_recos(spotify_df, feature_vector, feature_set, chosen)
# top song added to new_recos
recos = new_recos
id_list = list(recos['id'])
names = list(recos['name'])
artists = list(recos['artists'])
url_list = list(recos['url'])
name_list = ""
for i in names:
name_list += i+"$@"
artist_list = ""
for i in artists:
artist_list += ",".join(i)+"$@"
return jsonify({'id':id_list,'name':name_list,'artist':artist_list,'url':url_list})
When a song is clicked, we dont want the page to reload. Not only will that destroy the user experience, but it will take exponentially more time if we had to render every image and the entire data of page every time user clicks a song card.
$("#main").on('submit', function(event){
url: "/show",
type: "post",
data: {
// These are params sent to show route
id: $("#id").val(),
chosen: String(chosen_ids)
id_list = String(',')
name_list = String('$@')
artist_list = String(data.artist).split('$@')
url_list = String(data.url).split(',')
n = id_list.length
cardString = `
<div class="card">
<span style="display:none;">`+id_list[i]+`</span>
<img src=`+url_list[i]+`>
chosen_ids = (chosen_ids + "," + id_list).split(",")
Here, data
is the json object sent by flask. All the individual data is first extracted from the object.
creates an html string for the song card where all the information we got is binded and appended onto the html page.
If you want to check the full js code of ajax, check static/script.js
file in my github repo.
This project is inspired from the code of Madhav Thaker. His Youtube Channel is also extremely educational.
Big Thanks to his high quality code. Please take your time to check his repo or videos if you want.
Click here to know about TFIDF and why is it appropriate to use it
Click here to know about cosine similarity
Click here to know how to deploy flask app to heroku
I am a third year student pursuing B-Tech Degree.
I am a competitive coder and a Data Science enthusiast with a few application based projects.
I recently wrote a blog on Why Data Science is bad for your health. Give it a read if you like.
You can connect with me at Linkedin