- Clone the repository.
- Open the project with Vscode.
- npm i
- npm run start
The project consists of making a web application for budget management, this web application must have the following characteristics:
- Login/Register page
- Option to add bank accounts
- Option to add expenses/income
- The application must have by default a list of categories to be able to use when recording an expense/income
- Page to view expense/income history
- Filter by date
- Filter by category
- Filter by bank account
- Transfers between local accounts (Within the same application)
- What comes out of the account is recorded as an expense
- What goes into the account is recorded as income
- Handle different currencies as well as exchange rates
- General dashboard
- A summary of the accounts should be shown
- From the dashboard, you can add expenses/income and also record local transactions
- Reports -Report user's transactions -Report transfer beetween bank accounts