A basic cloud management system that will manage and monitor a cluster of machines and use them to run jobs. Nodes and Pods are depicted by docker containers and networks, respectively.
Alice Kang, Hana Zhang, Joshua Roccamo
- docker
- haproxy
- nginx
- ...
On comp598-user@winter2023-comp598-group03-02:
- resource_manager.py
- resource_monitor.py
- cloud_dashboard.py
- elastic_manager.py
- request_load.py <- for testing different loads on the elastic manager
On comp598-user@winter2023-comp598-group03-01:
- cloud_toolset.py
On comp598-user@winter2023-comp598-group03-03:
- light_proxy.py
- medium_proxy.py
- heavy_proxy.py
- use the cloud_toolset commands to run the toolset (node/pod management) and monitoring commands
- access the cloud dashboard by opening this link in a web browser:
- to see the stats live without going to the dashboard:
watch 'echo "show stat" | sudo socat stdio /run/haproxy/admin.sock | cut -d "," -f 1-2,18,47-48,59-61,74,77 | column -s, -t'
cloud init
cloud pod register {pod_name}
cloud pod rm {pod_name}
cloud register {node_name} {pod_id}
cloud rm {node_name} {pod_id}
cloud launch {pod_id}
cloud resume {pod_id}
cloud pause {pod_id}
cloud elasticity lower_threshold {pod_name} {value}
cloud elasticity upper_threshold {pod_name} {value}
cloud elasticity enable {pod_name} {lower_size} {upper_size}
cloud elasticity disable {pod_name}
cloud pod ls
cloud node ls {pod_id}
cloud log request
cloud log pod {pod_name}