Pobierz repozytorium z githuba rozpakuj i przejdż do katalogu.
- v1.0 Starter - single page
- v2.0 Starter Router - single page with sub-pages, router, fontawesome.css, animate.css
- v3.0 Starter SPA - single page with sub-pages, router, stores, locales, themes, fontawesome.css, animate.css
- v4.0 Starter SPA - single page with sub-pages, router, stores, locales, themes, fontawesome.css, animate.css, custom inputs
- v4.1 Starter SPA - single page with sub-pages, router, stores, locales, themes, fontawesome.css, animate.css, custom inputs, code highlightjs
Zainstaluj node.js
npm install
npm run build
Zainstaluj composer
composer clear-cache
composer update
composer dump-autoload -o
php artisan serve
php artisan serve --host=localhost --port=8000