A web-app which makes handling multiple android devices/ emulators easier. The devices are connected wirelessly by TCP/IP connection and the system files and be monitored and modified using Android Device Bridge. Also included the functionality of android sceen mirroring using SCRCPY. https://github.com/atharvasakpal/Hackxcelerate_windows9-11/blob/main/screenshots/ADB.mp4 Login Authentication included and passwords stored in the database after hashing via bcrypt.
adb devices
scrcpy -s <device>
git clone the project and use npm
Install Dependencies :-
npm i
nodemon app.js
Note : This will work only when the MongoDB Server is On
Client: css
Server: Node, Express
Authentication: Passport.js
Password Hashing: Bcrypt
- Ishayu Potey
- Atharva Sakpal
- Nayanesh Gudla
- Keyur Apte