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Tabnetviz User Guide

Tabnetviz User Guide

Tabnetviz is a command-line tool for generating network visualizations from tabular data. The data are provided to the program as a node table and an edge table defining the network; both tables can contain an arbitrary number of node properties and edge properties. These tables can be provided as comma-separated (CSV) or tab-separated (TSV) text files or as Excel worksheets. Tabnetviz generates the network visualization by mapping the node and edge properties to visual attributes such as node sizes, shapes, colors, edge colors, width, etc. This mapping is defined in a simple configuration file, which is written manually and uses the human-readable YAML format. The output from Tabnetviz is a drawing as an SVG file or an image file.

The function of Tabnetviz is illustrated with the following flowchart (itself created with tabnetviz):



Table of contents generated with markdown-toc


Tabnetviz uses Python 3.2+. Once you have Python installed, you can install Tabnetviz by

pip install tabnetviz

(or pip3 if you have separate pips for Python 2 and 3).

Alternatively, you can download the source distribution from github.

(Note that sometimes pip cannot install pygraphviz (required for tabnetviz) correctly because of a compilation error. In this case, you may try to install it in another way. On Debian Linux, use apt install python3-pygraphviz, or apt install libgraphviz-dev before using pip. See this discussion for more details.)


tabnetviz [-h] [-w] [-n nodetable] [-e edgetable] [-o drawingoutput] [--nodetableout nodeout] [--edgetableout edgeout] [--configtemplate] configfile

  • -h: print a help message
  • -w: "watch" mode: the program will not exit after generating the output; instead, it will watch the configuration file for changes, and regenerate the output whenever a change is detected. This is useful for developing and refining the configuration file. If the output is an image, using this option along with an image viewer that also reloads the image upon a file change allows one to develop the configuration file semi-interactively. qiv for Linux is an example of a suitable image viewer (use it with the -T option).
  • -n | --nodetable nodetable: the node table file name can be specified here; this will override the name specified in the configuration file. This is useful in scripts if you want to generate several drawings from different inputs but the same graphical settings.
  • -e | --edgetable edgetable: the edge table file name can be specified here; this will override the name specified in the configuration file.
  • -o | --output drawingoutput: the output file name for the drawing (e.g. .svg file). This will override the setting in the configuration file.
  • --nodetableout nodeout: file name to write out the modified node table; overrides the setting in the configuration file.
  • --edgetableout edgeout: file name to write out the modified edge table; overrides the setting in the configuration file.
  • --configtemplate: write a configuration file template to the specified file (the file must not exist). This can be edited to develop a configuration file for your visualization.


Below, we describe how the configuration file specifies the network and the mappings between node/edge properties and visual attributes. Please refer to the Configuration File Reference for detailed descriptions of configuration file options.

The configuration file uses the YAML format, which is essentially a hierarchical structure of keywords and values. To make it easier to refer to an element in the hierarchy, we will use a path-like notation, e.g. if the YAML contains

  keyword2: value

then the first keyword will be referred to as /keyword1, and the second keyword as /keyword1/keyword2, or just keyword2 when the context makes it clear that it is under /keyword1.

A configuration file template can be written from the program using the --configtemplate option. An easy way to develop a configuration file for your visualization is to start with this template and edit it by uncommenting and editing lines as you wish.

Note that the YAML parser performs a number of type conversions. In particular, the words yes, Yes, YES, no, No, NO, true, True, TRUE, false, False, FALSE, on, On, ON, off, Off, OFF will all be parsed as Boolean. On the other hand, the node and edge table files (CSV, TSV, or Excel) will be parsed with the Pandas module of Python. This will parse the words true, True, TRUE, false, False, FALSE as Boolean, but the other words listed above will be parsed as strings.

In addition, the # character indicate comments in YAML, thus values containing it must be enclosed in (single or double) quotes. For example, write color: '#ff00ff' and not color: #ff00ff.


The type of the network (directed or undirected) is specified with the /networktype keyword. The default is undirected. If you have a network with both directed and undirected edges, define it either directed or undirected, and then use the dir edge attribute to set the edge type based on an edge table column. This is typically done under the /edgestyles keyword using a discrete mapping type (see later). The networktype setting will affect the calculations if a network analysis is requested (see later).

A title can be given to the network using the /title keyword; for SVG output, this will appear as a mouse pointer tooltip when hovering over the background. To display text below the graph, use the label attribute under the /graphattrs keyword.

A node table and an edge table should be prepared as CSV or TSV files or Excel worksheets (xls or xlsx files). These are specified under the /nodetable and /edgetable keywords, respectively. You can either provide the filename directly (such as edgetable: edges.csv), or provide other parameters as well under the /nodetable or /edgetable keyword. In the latter case, the file keyword specifies the file name, filetype the file type (optional). For Excel files, the sheet name can be specified using the sheetname keyword. For the edge table, the columns containing the source and target identifiers should be specified as sourcecolumn and targetcolumn (if not provided then the first two columns will be used). For the node table, the column containing the node identifier should be specified using the idcolumn keyword (if not provided then the first column will be used). For the node table, the skipisolated keyword can be used to omit isolated nodes from the network entirely. In edge tables exported from Cytoscape, the source and target identifiers are not in separate columns; set the fromcytoscape keyword to true to make the program handle it correctly.

The node and edge table file names can be overridden by using the -n and -e options, respectively. This is useful if you want to use the same configuration for several different networks.


As Tabnetviz uses the column names as variable names in expressions for node/edge group definitions and visual style definitions, all column names will be automatically converted to valid variable names. This is done by omitting all characters other than letters, digits, and the "_" character. If a variable name would thus start with a digit, a c character will be prepended. Examples of conversions:

Column name Variable name
First Name FirstName
Weight (kg) Weightkg
area (m2) aream2
220V_rating c220V_rating
Fraction (%) Fraction


Output files are specified with the /outputfiles keyword. Tabnetviz always generates a drawing file (an SVG or an image file) containing the actual visualization; this is specified with the /outputfiles/drawing keyword (if omitted then the output will go to out.svg). If only a drawing is to be generated, the drawing keyword can be omitted and the short form can be used, such as outputfiles: network.svg. The drawing output file name can be overridden on the command line using the -o option.

Other files can optionally be generated with the following keywords under /outputfiles:

  • dot: A .dot file containing the layout. The dot file can be loaded in a later run to produce another drawing with the same layout.
  • nodetableout, edgetableout: the modified node table and edge table file after adding new columns from network analysis, added rankings, Boolean columns defining node/edge groups, and added non-Graphviz properties. Note that the exported files will contain the converted column names. The tables can be exported as csv, tsv, or Excel files, decided by the extension of the file name. These file names can be overridden using the --nodetableout and --edgetableout command line options.
  • colorbars: An SVG file containing color bars for the colormaps used in the node style and edge style mappings. These can then be used to create a legend for your visualization.


The /layout keyword can be used to set the graph layout algorithm. Any algorithm known to Graphviz can be used, i.e. neato, dot, twopi, circo, fdp, sfdp, osage, and patchwork. The default is neato. Alternatively, a .dot file name can be specified; this must contain position information, and the layout will be directly loaded from it. This file usually comes from an earlier run of the program.


The /graphattrs keyword can be used to set attributes for the whole graph. Any graph attributes known to Graphviz can be used; see the Graphviz website for a list of available visual attributes. Tabnetviz will set outputorder: edgesfirst and overlap: false by default for a nicer visual appearance of the graph. (Note: overlap must be set to true if you want to set fixed coordinates for the nodes using the pos attribute.)


Sometimes you don't want to display the whole network but only some part of it. Tabnetviz provides an easy way to remove nodes and edges based on a selection criterion. The /remove toplevel keyword accepts the /remove/nodes and /remove/edges subkeywords, where Boolean expressions can be specified to select nodes and edges to remove. The expressions should use node and edge table column names, respectively. Simple arithmetic and string operations can be used. Another option /remove/keepisolatednodes can be used to specify whether the nodes that have become isolated after the edge removal should be kept (default: false, i.e. they will be removed).


  nodes: Age < 10
  edges: Rate > 5.0
  keepisolatednodes: true

The node and edge removal is performed before the network analysis, so the node and edge properties generated by the network analysis cannot be used in the Boolean expressions under the /remove key.


The /networkanalysis keyword can be used to indicate whether a network analysis should be performed (false by default). Graph theoretical quantity names can be provided, either a single quantity, a list of quantities, or the keyword all to calculate all quantities. The calculated quantities will be added as new columns to the node table and the edge table, and can then be used to specify node styles and edge styles. The following quantities can be calculated for each node for both directed and undirected networks: AverageShortestPathLength, BetweennessCentrality, ClosenessCentrality, ClusteringCoefficient, Degree, Connectivity, Eccentricity, NeighborhoodConnectivity, SelfLoops, Stress. For edges, EdgeBetweenness can be calculated. For directed networks only, Indegree and Outdegree can be calculated. For undirected networks only, Radiality and TopologicalCoefficient can be calculated. These quantity names match those calculated by the Network Analyzer plugin of Cytoscape, except for Connectivity (not calculated by Cytoscape), which is the number of neighbors of a node, as opposed to Degree which is the number of edges connecting to a node. Also, Tabnetviz uses the same quantity definitions as the Network Analyzer plugin of Cytoscape and yields numerically the same results, except for ClusteringCoefficient in the case of directed graphs, where Tabnetviz uses the Networkx Python module function which uses a slightly different definition.

It is recommended that you explicity list the quantities you want to be calculated rather than specifying all because calculating all quantities may take a long time for large networks.

Using the nodetableout and edgetableout keywords using command line options or under the /outputfiles section in the configuration file, the modified node and edge tables can be written into new files. These will contain the parameters calculated by the network analysis and can be used in other programs or analyses.


Node groups and edge groups can be defined by providing Boolean expressions of node table or edge table columns, or by explicitly listing the nodes/edges you want in the group. Visual styles can later be applied on these groups. Under the /nodegroups and /edgegroups keyword, provide groupname: columnexpression key-value pairs, with groupname being the group name of your choice, and columnexpression being an expression using node table or edge table column names. The group name must not match an existing column name except if it is a Boolean column. The expression can contain simple numerical or string operations. The program uses the query method of a Pandas dataframe internally. Python string methods can be used by appending .str to the column name. Examples for expressions:

a+b < 5
c == 'YES'
x < 5 and y > 2
d.str.upper() < 'M'

You can also define node/edge groups by providing an explicit node/edge list instead of a Boolean expression, although this is not recommended; if you want an explicit group, it's better to add a Boolean table column defining the group than to list it in the tabnetviz configuration file. A node list is a comma-separated list of node names (space after the comma is necessary!) in square brackets: [node1, node23, node57]. An edge list is specified by providing a list of [source, target] pairs, e.g [[node1, node3], [node5, node7], [node8, node13]].

Groups are added to the node/edge table as new Boolean columns. As group definitions are processed in the order they appear in the configuration file, definitions can refer to groups defined earlier. For example, if you defined a group group1, you can define its complement as not group1.


Clusters are node groups with a box drawn around them. Currently, only the dot and fdp layout algorithms support drawing clusters. Clusters can be nested (in that case, the corresponding node groups must be subsets of each other); overlapping clusters are not allowed. There are a number of visual attributes defining how to draw clusters; see the attributes indicated by the letter C in the Graphviz documentation. Commonly used cluster attributes include color, fillcolor, label, labelloc, fontname, fontsize, fontcolor, style (= solid, dashed, dotted, rounded, filled, etc.)

Clusters are specified in Tabnetviz using the /clusters keyword. This must be followed by a list of the node groups corresponding to each cluster. If you don't want to specify visual attributes for the clusters, you can provide a simple list such as:

clusters: [nodegroup1, nodegroup2, nodegroup4]

If you want to specify visual attributes, you can provide the cluster definitions in a dictionary, providing the attributes as key-value pairs, e.g:

    label: First cluster
    fontsize: 10
    style: filled
    fillcolor: grey

Here, we did not provide attributes for nodegroup4, but note that the : is still needed. Alternatively, a list can also be used, using the "dash" notation:

  - nodegroup1:
      label: First cluster
      fontsize: 10
  - nodegroup2:
      style: filled
      fillcolor: grey
  - nodegroup4

See the Configuration File Reference for the full specification.


Optionally, new node/edge table columns containing rankings of existing node/edge table columns can be added. This is done via the /addrankings keyword. See the Configuration File Reference for details.


Color maps are used to map numerical values to colors, either discrete colors or a smooth color transition. Tabnetviz can use the standard color maps defined in Matplotlib, but custom color maps can also be defined via the /colormaps keyword. For example, a smoothly varying color map from blue through white to yellow (we name it "bwy") can be defined as this:

    type: continuous
      0.0: '#0066CCC0'
      0.5: '#FFFFFFC0'
      1.0: '#FFFF00C0'

A discrete color map is specified by listing the colors you want:

    type: discrete
      - green
      - yellow
      - orange
      - '#fabcee'

In a continuous color map, the colors will smoothly transition into each other, while there will be no transition in a discrete color map. Typically, you would use a continuous color map to map floating point values and a discrete color map to map integer values.

Colors can be specified by color names, RGB, RGBA or HSV formats; see the Graphviz documentation for a description of available formats. See the Configuration File Reference for the full description of how to define custom color maps. The color maps can then be used for the mappings of node/edge properties to visual attributes.

When using color maps in your visualization, you will probably want to add a legend to your figure displaying a color bar with the minimum and maximum values shown. The /outputfiles/colorbars keyword can be used for this: provide an SVG file name, and Tabnetviz will write a separate svg file with this name, containing colorbars for the colormaps used in your mappings.


Any node/edge table column or an expression using columns can be used to define a mapping to visual attributes. The /nodestyles keyword is used to define node attribute mappings, and the /edgestyles keyword to define edge attribute mappings. A mapping can be applied to all nodes or edges (using the /nodestyles/default and /edgestyles/default keywords, respectively), or a node group or edge group that has previously been defined via the /nodegroups or /edgegroups keyword. Tabnetviz applies the mappings in the order they appear in the configuration file. Thus, if you define two overlapping node groups and specify a mapping for each one, the second mapping will overwrite the first mapping for the nodes in the intersection of the two node groups. However, the default mapping will always be applied first, and will be overwritten by any group mappings.

The general structure of node style mappings is like this:


Thus, one first defines the styles for all nodes (default group) and then styles for any node group defined earlier (nodegroup1, nodegroup2, etc.). For each group, the attributes to map are named, and the mapping is defined as described below. The edge styles are defined similarly.


Any node/edge attribute known to Graphviz can be used; please refer to the Graphviz website for a detailed description of the available attributes. Here, we summarize the most commonly used attributes.

The most commonly used visual node attributes
Attribute description Attribute name Attribute values, remark
Border color color color specification
Border line width penwidth width in points
Border line type style solid,dashed,dotted,bold
Fill color fillcolor color; style must be filled
Label label string (default is node name)
Tooltip tooltip string
Shape shape box,circle,ellipse... (many shapes available)
Node style style solid,filled,striped,wedged...
Label font name fontname a font name
Label font size fontsize in points
Label font color fontcolor color specification
Node image image path to image file
Node height height in inches (1 inch = 72 points)
Node width width in inches
The most commonly used visual edge attributes
Attribute description Attribute name Attribute values, remark
Line color color color specification
Line type style solid,dashed,dotted,bold
Line width penwidth in points
Directedness dir forward,none,both
Arrow shape arrowhead normal,empty,tee,vee... (many shapes available)
Label label string
Label font name fontname font name
Label font size fontsize in points
Label font color fontcolor color specification
Head label headlabel string
Tail label taillabel string
Head/tail label font name labelfontname font name
Head/tail label font size labelfontsize in points
Head/tail label font color labelfontcolor color specification

Custom non-Graphviz attributes can also be used; the names of these must start with the ng prefix to indicate to Tabnetviz that it is a non-Graphviz attribute. Thus, Tabnetviz will throw an error message if the user tries to define a non-Graphviz attribute not starting with ng. Non-Graphviz attributes will be added as new columns to the node table or edge table, and can then be used to define mappings to Graphviz attributes. See the combine mapping type for examples of how to use this feature.


Tabnetviz knows the following mapping types:

  • Constant value: this is in fact not a mapping; every node/edge in the given group will get the same constant value. See an example later in this document.

The actual mappings map node/edge table column data to visual node/edge attributes. These mapping types are:

  • direct: Attribute value is directly taken from the table. The value can be used as it is, or transformed through a specified expression (this allows you to specify an arbitrary mapping).
  • discrete: Discrete values in the table will be mapped to the specified attribute values.
  • linear: A linear transformation of table values to the specified range.
  • cont2disc: Continuous-to-discrete mapping. Ranges of a continuous parameter taken from the table are mapped to the specified discrete attribute values.
  • colormap: Table values (floating point or integer) are mapped to colors, either discrete or continuous.
  • combine: Combine multiple non-Graphviz attributes into a multi-valued attribute such as position or color list. The result is formatted using a specified format string.

The mapping type is specified using the type keyword under the given attribute name, i.e. for node styles: /nodestyles/groupname/attributename/type.


The direct, discrete, linear, cont2disc, and colormap mapping types use a colexpr parameter. This defines which table values should be used for the mapping. It can either be a single table column name, or an expression on table column names, which can be a simple numerical expression or a string expression. Examples for column expressions:


Internally, this uses the Pandas eval dataframe method with the Python engine.

This also means that you could define a linear mapping by yourself using an expression, and use the direct mapping type instead of the linear mapping type. However, the linear mapping type is easier to use as it is enough to specify the minimum and maximum values of the range to map to.


We provide examples for each mapping type below. Please see the Configuration File Reference document for a full description of the available parameters for each mapping type. We will use the default group for each mapping, but these could work with any node/edge group as well. Also, we only show node style mappings; edge style mappings work the same way.

Constant value

This is not a mapping as we do not use data from the node table, just set a constant value. To set the fill color of all nodes to green:

    fillcolor: green
direct mapping

Set node height from sum of columns A and B:

      type: direct
      colexpr: A+B
discrete mapping

Set node fillcolor to green, red, or yellow based on the value of the "Fruit" column in the node table:

      type: discrete
      colexpr: Fruit
        avocado: green
        tomato: red
        lemon: yellow
linear mapping

Set node height from percentage, mapping the 0-100 range to 4-8

      type: linear
      colexpr: Percentage
      colmin: 0
      colmax: 100
      mapmin: 4
      mapmax: 8
cont2disc mapping

Set node shape to circle, triangle, or box depending on "Age" value:

      type: cont2disc
      colexpr: Age
        12.0: circle
        20.0: triangle
        higher: box
colormap mapping

Set node fillcolor on a continuous red-white-blue color scale based on a column named "Percentage". This a reversed "bwr" scale from Matplotlib (we could also use bwr_r).

      type: colormap
      colexpr: Percentage
      colmin: 0.0
      colmax: 100.0
      colormap: bwr
      reverse: yes
combine mapping

Set node coordinates from "x" and "y" columns in the table. We combine them to the pos attribute by joining them with a comma:

  overlap: True
      type: combine
      attrlist: [x, y]
      formatstring: '%f,%f!'

The exclamation mark at the end of the format string is to force the layout algorithm to keep the position fixed. For this to work, the overlap graph attribute must be set to True as shown.

Often, the attributes to combine are not in the table but need to be created first by using a mapping. In this case, non-Graphviz attributes starting with ng should be used, e.g. if you want to multiply table values with 10 before combining:

      type: direct
      colexpr: 10*x
      type: direct
      colexpr: 10*x
      type: combine
      attrlist: [ngx, ngy]
      formatstring: '%f,%f!'

The combine mapping can also be used to define color lists. For example, we can use the wedged node style to draw nodes divided into two parts with different fill colors. The two colors may be mapped from two node table columns value1 and value2. We define two non-Graphviz colors (ngcolor1, ngcolor2) and combine them into a colorList with two elements (separated with a colon):

    shape: circle
    style: wedged
      type: colormap
      colexpr: value1
      colormap: bwr
      type: colormap
      colexpr: value2
      colormap: bwr
      type: combine
      attrlist: [ngcolor1, ngcolor2]
      formatstring: '%s:%s'

A more complex example can be found in the demo file.