Pre-releaseWhat's Changed
PubSub batching producer improvements by @marcinbudny in #1626
Allow custom args with DI by @rogeralsing in #1628
#1456 -
Bump MudBlazor from 6.0.7 to 6.0.10 by @dependabot in #1644
Marcinbudny pub sub fix by @rogeralsing in #1648
More system actors and more consistent system actor naming by @woksin in #1649
Enforce $ name for named system actors by @rogeralsing in #1650
Allow grains to return messages without the envelope if the return value is non-null by @mhelleborg in #1654
Virtual actor spawn filtering by @mhelleborg in #1653
Enable override of ActorSystem.Root by @mhelleborg in #1659
Add actor name to tracing by @rogeralsing in #1665
Add actor name to tracing by @rogeralsing in #1666
Pub sub fix for delivery to stopped subscribers + message renames by @marcinbudny in #1667
Bump OpenTelemetry from 1.2.0-rc2 to 1.2.0 by @dependabot in #1598
Bump Google.Protobuf from 3.7.0 to 3.15.0 in /examples/RemoteActivate/Messages by @dependabot in
Upgrade grpc by @rogeralsing in #1632
Upgrade protobuf by @rogeralsing in #1643
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.33.0...1.0.0-rc1